This version of BIP! Finder aims to ease the exploration of COVID-19-related literature by enabling ranking articles based on various impact metrics.
Last Update: 18 - 01 - 2023 (628506 entries)
Title | Venue | Year | Impact | Source | |
1151 | Fabrication of gelatin nanofiber webs via centrifugal spinning for N95 respiratory filters Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the usage of numerous protective face masks has faced an explosion in demand around the world. Therefore, the need to reduce the environmental pollution caused by disposable single-use face masks has become vital. Recently, alternative raw material solutions have been discussed to eliminate the consumption of single-use plastics. Within this research, gelatin nanofibers were fabricated via centrifugal spinning technique, and filtration media were investigated in terms of air permeability and filtration efficiency. In addition, morphological properties were examined with scanning electron microscopy. Fabricated fibers have a changing average diameter range from 232 to 778 nm, and targeted 95% filtration efficiency was achieved in several compositions. It was proven that biodegradable gelatin nanofibers could be a sustainable alternative for disposable N95 respiratory filters. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1152 | Mathematical Musings on the External Anatomy of the Novel Coronavirus: Part 2: Chasing After Quasi-Symmetry What is the shape of the novel Coronavirus which has turned our world upside down? Even though it looks dull, unattractive, and even disgusting under a microscope, creative artists have attributed to it bright colors, made it look pretty, and depicted it as a thing of beauty. What can a mathematician contribute to this effort? We take a purist’s point of view by imposing on it a quasi-symmetry and then deriving some consequences. In an idealistic world, far removed from reality but still constrained by the rules of mathematics, anyone can enjoy this ethereal beauty of the mind’s creation, beckoning others to join in the pleasure. Our musings are split into four parts. We fondly hope while readers wait for the future parts to appear, they will indulge in their own musings, tell others about them, and propagate the good virus of mathematical thinking. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1153 | After Covid-19: A survey on the prospects for cities | N/A | 2021 | CORD-19 | |
1154 | Scotland's Canals in 2022 | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1155 | Enhanced detection of ppb-level NO2 by uniform Pt-doped ZnSnO3 nanocubes ZnSnO(3) nanocubes (ZSNCs) with various Pt concentrations (i.e., 1at%, 2at%, and 5at%) were synthesized by a simple one-pot hydrothermal method. The microstructures of pure and Pt-doped ZSNCs were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results showed that the pure ZSNCs have a perovskite structure with a side length of approximately 600 nm; this length was reduced to 400 nm after Pt doping. Following doping, PtO(x) (PtO and PtO(2)) nanoparticles with a diameter of approximately 5 nm were uniformly coated on the surface of the ZSNCs. Systematic investigation of the gas-sensing abilities of the nanocubes showed that the Pt-doped ZSNCs have excellent sensing properties toward nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) gas in the operating temperature range of 75–175°C. Among the sensors prepared, that based on 1at% Pt-doped ZSNCs exhibited the best response of 16.0 toward 500 ppb NO(2) at 125°C; this response is over 11 times higher compared with that of pure ZSNCs. The enhanced NO(2) sensing mechanism of the Pt-doped ZSNCs may be attributed to the synergistic effects of catalytic activity and chemical sensitization by Pt doping. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1156 | Rivers in Metropolitan Areas: Gateways to Sustainability | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1157 | Sustainable solutions for indoor pollution abatement during COVID phase: A critical study on current technologies & challenges The appearance of the contagious virus COVID-19, several revelations and environmental health experts punctually predicted the possibly disastrous public health complications of coexisting catching and airborne contamination-arbitrated disease. But much attention has been given on the outdoor-mediated interactions. Almost 3.8 million premature deaths occur every year globally due to the illness from indoor air pollution. Considering the human staying longer span indoors due to restricted human activities or work from home, the indoor air quality (IAQ) might show prominent role for individual health life. Currently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ensures no regulation of indoor airborne pollution. Herein, the paper underlines the common bases of indoor air pollution, poor IAQ, and impacts of the aerosolized airborne particles on the human health. In order to address these challenges and collective contagion events in indoor environment, several emerging control techniques and preventive sustainable solutions are suggested. By this, more innovations need to be investigated in future to measure the impact of indoor air pollution on individual health. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1158 | Variability scaling and capacity planning in Covid-19 pandemic Capacity planning is a very important global challenge in the face of Covid-19 pandemic. In order to hedge against the fluctuations in the random demand and to take advantage of risk pooling effect, one needs to have a good understanding of the variabilities in the demand of resources. However, Covid-19 predictive models that are widely used in capacity planning typically often predict the mean values of the demands (often through the predictions of the mean values of the confirmed cases and deaths) in both the temporal and spatial dimensions. They seldom provide trustworthy prediction or estimation of demand variabilities, and therefore, are insufficient for proper capacity planning. Motivated by the literature on variability scaling in the areas of physics and biology, we discovered that in the Covid-19 pandemic, both the confirmed cases and deaths exhibit a common variability scaling law between the average of the demand μ and its standard deviation σ , that is, σ ∝ μ β , where the scaling parameter β is typically in the range of 0.65 to 1, and the scaling law exists in both the temporal and spatial dimensions. Based on the mechanism of contagious diseases, we further build a stylized network model to explain the variability scaling phenomena. We finally provide simple models that may be used for capacity planning in both temporal and spatial dimensions, with only the predicted mean demand values from typical Covid-19 predictive models and the standard deviations of the demands derived from the variability scaling law. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1159 | Evidence Based Management of Acute Heart Failure in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic This editorial is to highlight current issues of heart failure management during COVID-19 pandemic. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1160 | Impact psychologique de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 sur les patients ayant un asthme allergique Introduction (contexte de la recherche) La maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) est une maladie émergeante grave. Elle est responsable de troubles psychologiques tel que l’anxiété et la dépression essentiellement chez les patients ayant des maladies respiratoires chroniques. Objectif L’objectif de notre étude était d’étudier l’impact psychologique de COVID-19 sur les patients ayant un asthme allergique. Méthodes Étude transversale incluant 50 patients hospitalisés pour pneumopathie à SARS-COV2 dans le service de pneumologie de l’hôpital militaire de Tunis. Les niveaux d’anxiété et de dépression ont été évalués par l’échelle d’anxiété et de dépression de l’hôpital (HADS). On a défini deux groupes : groupe 1 : patients ayant un asthme allergique (n =16), groupe 2 : patients sans antécédent d’asthme (n =34). Résultats L’étude a inclus 50 patients. L’âge moyen était 56±20 ans. Une prédominance masculine était notée dans 66 % des cas. Seize patients avaient un asthme allergique (32 %). Les signes cliniques à l’admission étaient dominés par la fièvre (65 %), l’asthénie (61 %) et la dyspnée (34 %). L’anosmie était plus fréquente chez les patients de premier groupe et était associée avec un score d’anxiété plus élevée (p =0,01). Par ailleurs, les besoins en oxygène et la durée d’hospitalisation étaient comparables dans les deux groupes (p =0,8 et p =0,06 respectivement). Notre étude a montré que les patients asthmatiques avaient un score d’anxiété et de dépression plus élevée que les autres patients (p =0,03 et p =0,001 respectivement). Conclusions L’anxiété et la dépression sont fréquentes chez les patients asthmatiques hospitalisés pour pneumopathie à SARS-CoV-2. Une prise en charge psychologique est nécessaire afin d’améliorer la qualité de vie de ces patients. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1161 | Prise en charge du risque allergique vis-à-vis des vaccins à ARN pour COVID-19 Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Au cours de la pandémie COVID-19, l’introduction d’une vaccination à ARN vis-à-vis du virus SARS-CoV2 a soulevé la problématique du risque d’anaphylaxie à ces nouveaux vaccins. De nombreux avis ont été adressés aux allergologues, même si, dans la littérature, les réactions anaphylactiques sont exceptionnelles (Kraft M, 2021). Objectif Nous rapportons une étude prospective descriptive portant sur la prise en charge des patients suspects d’allergie aux excipients ou au principe actif des vaccins ARN anti-SARS-CoV2. Méthodes Tous les patients adressés en raison d’un risque allergique avéré ou supposé vis-à-vis de ces vaccins, ou ayant été récusés par un centre de vaccination pour un motif allergologique, ont été inclus. Le bilan comportait des prick-tests (PT) et intradermoréactions (IDR) pour le(s) vaccin(s) Pfizer ou Moderna, et PT pour leurs excipients. En cas de toxidermie généralisée, ce bilan était complété par des patch-tests aux composants ou au(x) vaccin(s) et par une lecture retardée des IDR. Les concentrations réalisées étaient non irritantes en lecture immédiate et retardée chez un groupe témoin. Selon les résultats des tests cutanés, la vaccination était contre-indiquée ou autorisée. Si le schéma vaccinal du patient était incomplet, le vaccin était administré à la suite des tests. S’il était considéré comme complet, nous autorisions les éventuels rappels en centre. Résultats Nous avons inclus 32 patients (25 femmes et 7 hommes), d’âge médian de 47 ans. Les tests cutanés étaient positifs pour 3 patients : 1 en IDR immédiate, 1 en IDR retardée et 1 en patch-test. La vaccination a été contre-indiquée pour ceux ayant un test retardé positif. Le 3e patient a pu être vacciné avec un vaccin différent de celui de la réaction. La vaccination immédiate a été réalisée pour 24 patients et autorisée en centre pour 5 autres. Conclusions Dans cette série, l’allergie IgE-médiée aux vaccins à ARN ou à leurs excipients était rare, conformément à la littérature. La vaccination a été contre-indiquée seulement en cas de toxidermie avec tests retardés positifs. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1162 | Suspicion d'allergie aux vaccins anti-COVID-19: étude rétrospective sur la prise en charge de 320 patients Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Le contexte sanitaire lié à la pandémie COVID-19 a entraîné le développement rapide de nombreux vaccins contre le virus SarS-Cov-2. Quatre d’entre eux sont actuellement disponibles en France : Comirnaty, Spikevax, Janssen, et Vaxzevria. Ils comportent comme excipients du polyethylène glycol (PEG) ou du polysorbate 80, connus comme pourvoyeurs d’anaphylaxie. Des recommandations françaises, communes à plusieurs sociétés savantes, proposaient une conduite à tenir face à une suspicion d’allergie à ces vaccins. Ainsi, les allergies aux excipients constituaient la seule contre-indication à la vaccination anti-COVID-19. Objectif (1) Déterminer l’impact de ces recommandations vaccinales sur la prise en charge allergologique des patients suspects d’allergie aux vaccins anti-COVID-19. (2) Évaluer la prévalence des allergies vraies à ces vaccins. Méthodes Une étude rétrospective descriptive unicentrique a inclus des patients adultes adressés à un service hospitalo-universitaire pour un avis allergologique pré-vaccinal ou une suspicion d’allergie suite à une 1re injection d’un des vaccins anti-COVID-19. À partir des recommandations françaises, nous avons classé ces patients selon leur prise en charge. Résultats Au total, 92,1 % (295/320) patients n’ont pas nécessité de bilan allergologique pré vaccinal. En effet, seulement 7,8 % (25/320) patients ont eu des tests cutanés préalables à la vaccination. Le reste des patients ont pu être vaccinés sans bilan allergologique. Les patients non vaccinés pour cause d’allergie aux excipients représentaient moins de 1 % (3/320) de l’effectif total. Conclusions Les recommandations françaises établies par plusieurs sociétés savantes ont permis aux allergologues de lever un grand nombre de « contre-indications » vaccinales non adaptées. L’allergie au PEG, polysorbate ou leurs dérivés, seule contre indication à la vaccination anti-COVID, reste rare. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1163 | Impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur le suivi des patients asthmatiques Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Les deux dernières années ont été marquées par la perturbation de système sanitaire partout dans le monde à cause de la pandémie au virus SARS-CoV-2. Le suivi des patients ayants une maladie chronique dont l’asthme a été perturbé. Objectif Notre objectif est de voir l’impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur le suivi des patients asthmatiques et leurs attitudes au cours de cette pandémie. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive, transversale intéressant les patients asthmatiques suivis à la consultation de pneumologie de CHR Hassan 2 d’Agadir. Tous les patients ont été interrogés par téléphone sur l’impact du COVID sur leurs maladies. Résultats Au total, 37 patients ont été recensés. L’âge moyen des patients était 25 ans. Le sex-ratio femme/homme était à 2,66. Tous les patients avaient un phénotype allergique avec atopie. L’asthme a été partiellement contrôlé dans 20 % des cas non contrôlé dans 14 % des cas et bien contrôlé dans 66 % des cas, l’observance thérapeutique a été évaluée par le score de Morisky avant la pandémie, elle était mauvaise dans 54,5 %. Pendant la pandémie COVID-19, les patients avaient une meilleure observance thérapeutique dans 77,3 %. Le nombre des exacerbations par mois a diminué. Par contre, la COVID-19 paraît avoir un impact péjoratif sur le suivi des patients puisque seulement 45,5 % des patients ont maintenu un suivi régulier. En plus, 56,8 % des asthmatiques ont raté leurs rendez-vous pour des différentes causes. La cause la plus fréquente était la crainte de la contamination à l’hôpital dans 52,3 %. Au cours des exacerbations, 40,9 % des patients préféraient l’automédication que le recours aux urgences. Conclusions La pandémie COVID-19 a limité l’accès aux soins pour ceux ayant des pathologies chroniques. Cette situation paraît avoir un impact péjoratif sur le suivi des patients asthmatiques. Par conséquent, cela a modifié leurs attitudes devant les exacerbations. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1164 | Hypersensibilité au vaccin anti-COVID ? analyses de 1000 avis allergologiques Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Les services d’allergologie ont été fortement sollicités en raison de l’appréhension vis-à-vis du risque allergique des vaccins contre la COVID-19. Objectif Nous rapportons les 1000 premières prises en charge proposées et le résultat des investigations allergologiques réalisées. Méthodes Nous avons mis en place un système d’avis-COVID par mail à l’aide d’un questionnaire. Ceci nous a permis de colliger, de façon rétrospective les données démographiques des patients, les conduites à tenir proposées, en fonction des données cliniques fournies et des recommandations de la SFA. Pour certains, des tests cutanés ont été nécessaires : prick-test aux PEGs 3500/1500 et polysorbate 80 avec des concentrations maximales respectives de 100mg/mL et 1000mg/mL. Lorsque des fonds de flacon de vaccin étaient disponibles, nous avons réalisé : prick-test et IDR jusqu’à leur concentration pure. Certaines vaccinations jugées à risque ont été réalisées dans le service. Résultats Du 20 janvier au 24 novembre 2021, 1000 avis allergologiques ont été donnés par mail en dehors des heures de consultation. Il s’agissait de 773 avis pré-vaccinaux et 227 post-vaccinaux. L’âge moyen des patients était de 55 ans, avec une majorité de femmes. Nous avons levé la contre-indication allergologique à la vaccination dans 99,4 % des cas. Elle a été recommandée en centre de vaccination conventionnel pour 44 % sans précaution particulière, 31 % sous antihistaminique, 30 % avec 30minutes de surveillance. 31 patients ont été vaccinés dans notre service sans réaction. L’indication de tests cutanés a été retenue dans 6,9 % des cas. Nous avons mis en évidence une sensibilisation aux excipients et aux vaccins chez 4 patients du groupe pré-vaccinal et chez une patiente du groupe post-vaccinal qui a bénéficié d’une désensibilisation avec succès. Conclusions La gestion par mail des avis-COVID a permis de limiter les consultations dédiées en présentiel et de maintenir l’intégralité des activités du service. Nous avons proposé une réponse rapide avec traçabilité écrite, souvent exigée. Seuls 4 patients restent à ce jour contre-indiqués à la vaccination en raison d’une allergie aux PEGs. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1165 | Enquête COMPac (Complications allergiques des vaccins de la Covid): étude des pratiques des allergologues français et francophones Introduction (contexte de la recherche) La vaccination anti-SARS-COV-2 a mobilisé la communauté allergologique dès le début 2021 pour réaliser le triage des patients à risque allergique. Objectif Colliger et décrire la gestion des avis concernant la vaccination. Méthodes Un questionnaire a été adressé aux allergologues sur la plateforme AdviceMedica (1 envoi et 2 relances, entre juillet et octobre 2021). Résultats Cinquante-quatre allergologues ont répondu à l’enquête. Les réponses provenaient de toutes les régions de France (et 2 autres pays), mais les mieux représentées étaient : Ile-de-France (18,5 %), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (12,9 %) et Occitanie (11 %). Trois quarts des réponses provenaient d’allergologues exclusifs. 42 % et 34,5 % respectivement avaient une activité exclusive hospitalière ou libérale. Les allergologues ont été sollicités par téléphone (96,3 %) et mail (79,6 %), par des médecins généralistes (92,6 %) ou des centres de vaccination (88,8 %) (moyenne d’avis : 27,6/semaine). Les consultations pour avis en présentiel avaient été majoritaires (85,2 % versus 51,8 % téléconsultations). Les bilans étaient réalisés surtout pour des suspicions d’allergie aux polyéthylène glycols (70,3 %) ou à d’autres vaccins et médicaments non-identifiés (53,7 %). La moitié des allergologues (29 ; 53,7 %) ont vacciné des patients et 4 (13,7 %) ont déclaré des réactions lors de la vaccination. Parmi les outils les plus employés pour la gestion des patients se retrouvaient : les échanges sur la plateforme AdviceMedica (38,8 %), les avis CHU (22,2 %) et les recommandations des sociétés savantes (16,6 %). Parmi les problèmes majeurs rencontrés ont été signalés : la difficulté de rajouter des patients dans des délais corrects (trois quarts des répondeurs), l’inquiétude des médecins demandeurs (deux tiers) et le fait que les recommandations ne couvraient pas une grande partie des situations rencontrées sur le terrain (un tiers). Les bénéfices majeurs du screening étaient : l’autorisation de la vaccination et la visibilité accrue du rôle de l’allergologue (87 % et 68,5 % des répondeurs). Conclusions L’enquête de terrain a permis d’avoir une photo chiffrée de la gestion par les allergologues du défi que représente le risque allergique pour la vaccination anti-SARS-COV-2. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1166 | COVID-19: l'asthme peut-il être un facteur aggravant ? Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Les infections respiratoires virales sont les principales causes d’exacerbation de l’asthme. La susceptibilité des asthmatiques à développer une exacerbation par une pneumonie sévère par le SRAS-CoV-2 est inconnue. Objectif Étudier les caractéristiques et le pronostique des patients asthmatiques hospitalisés atteints par le coronavirus 19. Méthodes Étude descriptive et analytique effectuée dans le centre Covid-19 à l’hôpital universitaire de Gabès, portant sur les patients hospitalisés durant la période allant du janvier au juillet 2021. Nous avons défini 2 groupes :Groupe1(G1) : patients asthmatiques (n =46) et groupe 2 (G2) : patients non asthmatiques (n =354). Résultats Les sujets jeunes étaient plus nombreux dans le G1 (71,7 %, moyenne d’âge : 59 ans) que le G2 (43,5 %, moyenne d’âge 65 ans). Les comorbidités étaient respectivement proches pour l’hypertension artérielle et le diabète (G1 : [39,1 %] et [34,8 %] vs G2 : [42,7 %] et [32,8 %]), en outre les cardiopathies étaient plus importantes dans le G2 (17,8 % vs 10,5 %, p =0,0001). l’insuffisance rénale chronique était présenté uniquement dans le G2 (6,8 %, p =0,311). A l’admission, 43,5 % des patients du G1 avaient une crise d’asthme modérée et 54,3 % de crise sévère. Les signes cliniques respiratoires étaient légèrement importants dans le G2 (G1 : dyspnée [82,6 %] ; toux [83 %] ; douleur thoracique [32,6 %] et G2 : dyspnée et toux [86,2 %] ; douleur thoracique [38,4 %]). Les résultats du scanner thoraciques étaient similaires (G1 : atteinte sévère [28,3 %] et atteinte critique [13 %] vs [26,6 %] et [12,1 %] respectivement pour G2). L’asthme n’était pas significativement associé à l’atteinte sévère ou critique (p =0,991). L’admission au réanimation était dans 31,5 % des cas du G2 vs 30,2 % des cas du G1(p =0,1). L’évolution était favorable dans 76,1 % des cas du G1 vs 56,8 % dans G2 (p =0,008). Le décès était noté dans le G2 de façon plus importante que le G1 (43,2 % vs 28,3 %). Conclusions De notre travail resort que les asthmatiques n’étaient pas surreprésentés parmi ceux atteints de pneumonie sévère par le SRAS-CoV-2 nécissitant une hospitalisation. Les pires résultats ont été observés principalement chez les patients présentant des comorbidités majeures. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1167 | L'asthme allergique est-il associé à une forme plus grave et/ou prolongée de COVID-19 ? Introduction (contexte de la recherche) L’épidémie actuelle de COVID-19 soulève un nombre important de questions et d’inquiétudes notamment chez les personnes considérées vulnérables car atteintes d’une pathologie respiratoire allergique sous-jacente notamment la maladie asthmatique. Objectif Déterminer l’impact de la présence d’un asthme allergique chez le personnel soignant ayant contracté le virus du SARS-CoV-2 dans l’évolution de la maladie. Méthodes Étude descriptive rétrospective portant sur le personnel de l’hôpital Charles Nicolle ayant été infecté par le virus du SARS-CoV-2 durant la période allant de premier septembre 2020 au 31 décembre 2020. Résultats Durant la période d’étude, 587 personnels de santé ont été infectés par le virus du SARS-CoV-2. La moyenne d’âge était de 40,6±10,4 ans avec une nette prédominance féminine (71,8 % des femmes). Des antécédents d’asthme allergique étaient retrouvés chez 9,4 % des cas. Les principaux symptômes respiratoires rapportés étaient la toux (62,8 %), la dyspnée (41,7 %) et la douleur thoracique (32,5 %). Nous avons trouvé une liaison statistiquement significative entre les antécédents d’asthme allergique et l’apparition de la dyspnée (p =0,01). La prescription d’une antibiothérapie était statistiquement liée à la présence de pathologie asthmatique (p =0,03). L’asthme allergique était statistiquement associé au recours à la corticothérapie par voie générale. Par ailleurs, nous avons constaté également une liaison statistiquement significative entre antécédent d’asthme et recours aux urgences (p =0,02). La durée de confinement supérieure à 14jours était statistiquement liée à la présence d’antécédent d’asthme allergique. Conclusions Les patients ayant des antécédents respiratoires allergiques à savoir la maladie asthmatique semblent présenter un risque plus important de développer une forme prolongée de COVID-19. Il est donc nécessaire d’insister sur le respect des mesures barrières afin de réduire au maximum le risque de contamination. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1168 | Retour d'expérience sur la vaccination anti-Covid-19 des patients étiquetés " à risque allergique " Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Fin décembre 2020, le vaccin anti-Covid-19 à ARNm Comirnaty© de Pfizer-BioNTech a obtenu l’AMM conditionnelle en France. Il était contre-indiqué chez les personnes ayant présenté des manifestations allergiques graves telles que des réactions anaphylactiques par l’HAS, le ministère de la Santé, l’Assurance maladie et l’ANSM. Objectif Évaluer la tolérance de la vaccination avec Comirnaty© chez les patients étiquetés « à risque allergique ». Méthodes Entre le 20 janvier et le 8 avril 2021, les patients étaient adressés via la hot line téléphonique dédiée aux avis vis-à-vis de la vaccination. Les patients « à risque allergique » (avec antécédent d’anaphylaxie à un autre vaccin ou à un médicament par voie injectable) étaient vaccinés sous surveillance allergologique, avec voie d’abord veineux et surveillance rapprochée pendant 2h. Résultats Au total, 225 patients supposés à haut risque allergique ont été vaccinés (1re dose), 48 hommes et 177 femmes, avec un âge moyen de 73 ans. 98 avaient un terrain atopique (43,6 %). 203 patients avaient des antécédents allergiques suspectés ou prouvés à type d’hypersensibilité immédiate (90,2 %), 16 d’hypersensibilité retardée (7,1 %), 2 avaient une mastocytose systémique indolente sans réaction médicamenteuse spécifique et pour 4 la réaction n’était pas connue. Les molécules en cause étaient en majorité les produits de contraste (32,4 %) ou les antibiotiques (27,5 %). 3 réactions post vaccinales ont été notées sans anaphylaxie de grade II ou plus. Il faut noter que les réactions urticariennes étaient toutes retardées de plus d’1h ce qui est peu évocateur d’anaphylaxie IgE médiée. 217/225 patients ont eu une 2ème dose (dont 75 dans le service) parmi lesquels 2 ont présenté une réaction non grave non évocatrice d’allergie. Aucune anaphylaxie n’a été rapportée. Conclusions Malgré le petit effectif, lié à une pénurie de vaccin et aux capacités d’accueil limitées, nous n’avons pas observé de réactions anaphylactiques chez les patients « à risque allergique ». Nous avons ainsi pu modifier nos pratiques en limitant les indications de vaccination sous surveillance allergologique. Cette mobilisation d’équipe a été d’une grande aide pour vacciner des patients récusés des centres de vaccination. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1169 | Modèle de stratification du risque allergique à la vaccination SARS-COV2 via un questionnaire (et bénéfice du bilan allergologique) Introduction (contexte de la recherche) L’introduction vaccinale anti-Sars-cov-2, submergeant notre activité, a permis de souligner le rôle clé de l’allergologue. Objectif Analyser les patients ayant suscité un bilan allergologique dans notre unité. Méthodes Nous avons créé un questionnaire standardisé (recensant hypersensibilités (HS) suspectées et tolérances médicamenteuses), permettant de filtrer toute demande d’avis pré/post-vaccinal. Le questionnaire devait être dûment rempli par le médecin demandeur et à l’issue, l’autorisation ou la suspension de l’indication vaccinale était décidée. Résultats De janvier à décembre 2021, 952 avis ont été réalisés. Des explorations (tests aux excipients±vaccin) étaient pertinentes pour 31 d’entre eux. Dans ⅔ des cas, une réaction immédiate post-vaccinale était survenue et pour le tiers restant une suspicion d’HS préalable à un des composants des vaccins était soupçonnée. La sollicitation globale a permis de différencier 3 groupes de patients : – ceux avec une suspicion d’HS immédiate au PEG en principe actif : 16 % (5 patients), dont 2 positifs en tests cutanés, aboutissant à une contre-indication des vaccins en contenant. On y trouvait 60 % (3) de femmes, 40 % (2) d’atopiques, un âge moyen : 50±18 ans. Tous avaient eu une réaction immédiate (<1h), anaphylactique (choc anaphylactique dans 40 %, 2 cas). – ceux avec une suspicion d’HS au PEG ou polysorbates sous forme d’excipients : 35 %, (11 patients), dont 45 % d’anaphylaxie et 27 % de choc anaphylactique. Aucune contre-indication aux vaccins ARN n’a été posée au sein de ce groupe et tous les patients ont été vaccinés sans réaction. – ceux avec des réactions immédiates post-vaccinales : 48 % des avis (15), dont 87 % (13) de femmes et 40 % (6) d’atopiques, un âge moyen : 52±17 ans. La plupart (80 %) avait présenté une réaction immédiate. Trois quarts (11) avaient présenté une anaphylaxie avec (4) ou sans choc (7). Le bilan a été négatif pour tous, 93 % (14) ont été revaccinés sans réaction. Conclusions Au total, nous n’avons mis en évidence aucune allergie chez les patients ayant réagi au vaccin et émis 2 certificats de contre-indication aux vaccins à ARN pour allergie préalable démontrée au PEG. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1170 | Syndrome Babouin induit par le vaccin anti-Covid-19 (CoronaVac): premier cas rapporté Introduction (contexte de la recherche) Le syndrome Babouin d’origine médicamenteuse, récemment renommé Symmetrical Drug-Related Intertriginous and Flexural Exanthema (SDRIFE), est une toxidermie flexurale non exceptionnelle qui se manifeste par une éruption érythémateuse symétrique siégeant sur les zones fessières et intertrigineuses. Cette entité a été rapportée particulièrement par les bêta-lactamines mais n’a jamais été rapporté par le vaccin. Objectif Nous rapportons ici le premier cas de SDRIFE induit par le vaccin anti-Covid-19 de type CoronaVac®. Méthodes . Résultats Une femme âgée de 57 ans, sans antécédents pathologique notable, qui se présente avec une éruption érythémateuse non-prurigineuse apparue quatre jours après avoir reçu la deuxième dose de vaccin anti-Covid-19 de type CoronaVac®. Il s’agissait d’une éruption érythémateuse symétrique, siègeant sous les plis sous-mammaires, le dos, les fesses, la face interne des cuisses et la région inguinale. Il n’y avait pas d’atteinte muqueuse ni manifestations viscérale. A la biologie, il n’y avait pas de syndrome inflammatoire. Le diagnostic de syndrome Babouin d’origine médicamenteuse ou SDRIFE induit par le vaccin anti-Covid-19 était évoqué. La patiente a été mise sous traitement antihistaminique et dermocorticoïdes. L’évolution était marquée par une résolution des lésions cutanées avec une desquamation au bout d’une semaine. Les tests intradermiques et le patch test avec le vaccin CoronaVac® ont été effectués trois mois plus tard, montrant des résultats négatifs en lecture retardée. Le lien de causalité entre le SDRIFE et le vaccin anti-Covid-19 a été retenu en raison des données chorologiques et devant l’absence d’autres causes expliquant les manifestations cliniques. Conclusions Le diagnostic de SDRIFE doit être envisagé chez tout patient présentant une éruption intertrigineuse symétrique imliquant les zones fessières et intertrigineuses après le vaccin contre le Covid-19. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1171 | Toux persistante après une infection à la COVID-19: savoir évoquer une dysfonction des cordes vocales Introduction (contexte de la recherche) L’infection à la COVID 19 est un problème de santé publique majeur tant par les formes aiguës, que par des formes chroniques de présentation cliniques diverses. Les signes fonctionnels respiratoires sont fréquemment retrouvés à distance du COVID et la démarche diagnostique n’est pas toujours contributive, faisant souvent suspecter une pathologie asthmatique. Les dysfonctions fonctionnelles laryngées, associant toux chronique, dyspnée et trouble de la déglutition, sont décrites comme pouvant mimer une symptomatologie d’asthme et survenir à la suite d’ un épisode infectieux. Objectif Décrire des formes cliniques de dysfonction laryngées post-COVID authentifiée par un médecin phoniatre. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective sur dossier médical, portant sur deux patientes ayant présenté une dysfonction laryngé post-COVID-19. Pour être éligible, les patients ne devaient pas avoir bénéficié d’une intubation orotrachéale et ne devait présenter de signes fonctionnels laryngés avant l’infection à la COVID-19. Résultats Une première patiente de 61 ans a présenté une toux, une dysphonie et une dysphagie persistant plus d’un mois après l’infection, résistant à un traitement par corticothérapie inhalé. L’examen phoniatrique a mis en évidence une parésie de la corde vocale droite avec limitation à l’abduction associée à un forçage vocal. Une deuxième patiente de 33 ans, consultant pour toux et dysphonie persistante 1 mois après une infection à Sars COV-2 présentait une paralysie de la corde vocale gauche. Après rééducation orthophonique pendant 1 mois, est observé une bonne récupération de la mobilité de la corde vocale, une diminution de la toux malgré la persistance d’une asthénie vocale. Conclusions Nous avons décrit le cas de deux patientes présentant une dysfonction laryngée persistante après une infection au Sars COV 2. Cette affection ne doit pas être méconnue car accessible à un traitement par rééducation orthophonique à l’efficacité démontrée. | Rev Fr Allergol (2009) | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1172 | Domestic violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic: A scoping review Objectives This scoping review aims to assess the situation of violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America, mainly in Brazil. Methods This study consists of a Scoping Review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. To conduct this review, we mapped scientific evidence on domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The inclusion criteria were: journal articles on domestic violence set in Latin American countries, particularly Brazil, in the context of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, published between March 2020 and June of 2021. Articles that were not published in journals, studies focusing on child violence or the elderly population, suicide-related approaches, editorials and letters to readers were excluded. The databases used were: National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Embase, COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease, Scopus Preview, Web of Science, LILAC's, Database of the best Evidence-Based Health (Epistemonikos) with the following strategic keywords: domestic violence female'/exp OR female domestic violence AND women SARS-CoV-19) AND (domestic violence) SARS-CoV-2 OR 2020-nCoV. The databases above were accessed in July 2021. The articles selected from the databases were synthetized following the double-check procedure and the topics that were most relevant to the subject discussed were separated. The articles used were in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Results We discussed domestic violence against women in the context of social isolation, showing a significant increase and highlighting aggravating factors - financial instability, exacerbation of the female workload, increase in drug and alcohol consumption, lack of access to care services - and statistics that demonstrate the significant increase in countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay and Brazil, especially in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, among other states. Despite the meaningful increase in the number of cases and the aggravating factors for domestic violence against women in Latin America and Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic, the reality of underreporting, resulting, among others, from limited legal, social and economic support and the lack of well-prepared intersectoral services may be a limitation in this scenario, since the situation can be even more acute. We presented measures adopted in Brazil and alternatives to confront the critical situation of domestic violence against women, aggravated by social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 18 most relevant articles were read twice by each author, following the “Double-Check” protocol. The articles used addressed important questions around the established goals: a) characteristics of the current scenarios in Latin America and, specifically, in Brazil, with regard to violence against women; b) factors that intensify this type of violence; c) numbers that demonstrate an increase in cases; and finally e) strategies to combat domestic violence against women. A total of 595 articles were found, then, based on the abstracts presented, 18 articles were used to write this scoping review. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1173 | Autonomous robotic additive manufacturing through distributed model-free deep reinforcement learning in computational design environments The objective of autonomous robotic additive manufacturing for construction in the architectural scale is currently being investigated in parts both within the research communities of computational design and robotic fabrication (CDRF) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in robotics. The presented study summarizes the relevant state of the art in both research areas and lays out how their respective accomplishments can be combined to achieve higher degrees of autonomy in robotic construction within the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. A distributed control and communication infrastructure for agent training and task execution is presented, that leverages the potentials of combining tools, standards and algorithms of both fields. It is geared towards industrial CDRF applications. Using this framework, a robotic agent is trained to autonomously plan and build structures using two model-free DRL algorithms (TD3, SAC) in two case studies: robotic block stacking and sensor-adaptive 3D printing. The first case study serves to demonstrate the general applicability of computational design environments for DRL training and the comparative learning success of the utilized algorithms. Case study two highlights the benefit of our setup in terms of tool path planning, geometric state reconstruction, the incorporation of fabrication constraints and action evaluation as part of the training and execution process through parametric modeling routines. The study benefits from highly efficient geometry compression based on convolutional autoencoders (CAE) and signed distance fields (SDF), real-time physics simulation in CAD, industry-grade hardware control and distinct action complementation through geometric scripting. Most of the developed code is provided open source. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s41693-022-00069-0. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1174 | SODAR Based Meteorological Sensor Network for Air Pollution Monitoring in Northern India The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) plays a significant role in defining the air-quality index of an environment. It determines the environmental capacity for the diffusion of atmospheric pollutants. The air-quality in a designated area is influenced by the local air pollution as well as the transported pollutants from remote locations. Estimation of mixing-height helps to determine the volume space in which the emitted pollutants are dispersed. The continuous and effective monitoring of mixing-height in real-time is a major concern for the research community. Sonic Detection and Ranging (sodar) is crucial for real-time and continuous determination of mixing-height. This paper proposes a novel Sodar-based meteorological sensor network (SMSN) with the Internet of Things (IoT) capability. In the SMSN, the temperature, relative humidity, and wind sensors are integrated with sodar and deployed to seven locations in Northern India. The sensors with IoT work as sensor nodes and provide accessibility to users for air-quality monitoring in real-time. The IoT-enabled SMSN displayed impressive standard uncertainty for data packet losses across all the sites and parameters. Additionally, correlation analysis is performed between the SMSN parameters and key air-pollutants of each sensor node. The correlation analysis shows good relevance between the regional parameters and Delhi's parameters. The integration of IoT with sodar and meteorological parameters is important for improving the overall decision-making and planning of Delhi's air quality. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1175 | Crisis in arms control: an introduction | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1176 | Comparing Academic Challenges and Quality of Life in Concussed Adolescents Prior to and During the Covid-19 Pandemic BACKGROUND: Post-concussion sequelae in adolescents include physical, cognitive, and psychosocial effects that may result in reduced quality of life (QOL) and academic challenges when returning to school. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in altered teaching and learning models outside the traditional in-person classroom, and elevated psychosocial stress and isolation among adolescents. It is unknown whether these changes affected QOL or academic challenges post-concussion. Hypothesis/Purpose: To compare self-reported QOL and academic challenges among concussed adolescents prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Concussed adolescents were enrolled from secondary schools and children’s medical centers across seven sites into the Sport Concussion Outcomes in Pediatrics (SCOPE) study (PRiSM Concussion RIG). Participants completed demographics, medical history, symptom report, the Concussion Learning Assessment and School Survey (CLASS) and QOL via PROMIS Pediatric Global 25 during their first evaluation visit. Participants were grouped by date ranges: September 2018-January 2020 (Pre-COVID-19) and September 2020-May 2021 (COVID-19). No participants were enrolled between February-August 2020 (cessation of clinical research activities during this time.). RESULTS: A total of 141 patients were enrolled. Mean age=14.9±2.4 years, 61% self-reported as male, 82% white and 85% not Hispanic or Latino, 5.2+3.1 days post-injury (range=1-14 days). Seventy-four patients were enrolled prior to COVID, and 67 were enrolled during COVID (Table 1). No significant differences were found between the ‘Pre-COVID-19’ group versus ‘During COVID-19’ group in symptom resolution, symptom severity score, QOL, or academic concerns (Table 2). The only difference was the ‘person at school who is best to coordinate support.’ A significantly lower proportion of participants who sustained their concussion during COVID-19 reported their principal/assistant principal would be the best person to coordinate support compared to those who sustained their concussion before the COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast, a significantly higher proportion of those who sustained their concussion during the COVID-19 pandemic reported their coach would be the best person to coordinate support. CONCLUSION: In this convenience yet nationally representative sample, students who sustained a concussion during the pandemic did not report increased academic concerns or reduced QOL compared to those whose injury was prior to the pandemic. Median symptom severity was lower during the pandemic, though not statistically significant. These findings could represent shifted priorities of the principal/assistant principal but still adequate support from medical and school-based staff; less academic stress and greater flexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic; or may represent limitations in the CLASS instrument to detect differences that occurred during the pandemic. | Orthop J Sports Med | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1177 | Elevated Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Injured and Uninjured Adolescents INTRODUCTION: Musculoskeletal injuries are common among adolescents with roughly half reporting an injury in the last year. Injury impairs function, but it may impact psychological or behavioral well-being as well. Mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression can negatively affect an adolescent’s quality of life. As mental health disorders are being seen more frequently in the young population it is important to understand their relationship with injury. Athletes who are no longer able to participate in their normal activities due to injury may have elevated symptoms of anxiety and depression from this sudden lifestyle change. The purpose of this study was to determine if a musculoskeletal injury is associated with elevated anxiety and depression in adolescent athletes. METHODS: Adolescents between the ages of 12-18 from sports medicine clinics presenting with musculoskeletal injuries were age and sex matched to non-injured adolescents from high school health and weight training classes as well as adolescent medicine clinics. The General Anxiety Disorder-7 and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 were used to assess for anxiety and depression symptoms, respectively. Scores of ≥5 on each questionnaire were considered elevated. Chi-Square analyses analyzed the differences in proportions of elevated anxiety and depression in the injured and uninjured participants. RESULTS: Matched data was available for 108 participants, 54 in each group. Average age was 15.99± 1.58 and 83% were females. Overall, 41% reported elevated anxiety symptoms and 36% reported elevated depressive symptoms. There were no differences in the proportion of injured adolescents that had elevated anxiety or depression compared to uninjured adolescents (p=.386 and p=.071, respectively). DISCUSSION: Elevated anxiety and depressive symptoms are common among injured and non-injured adolescents. High rates in our sample could be impacted by the predominance of female participants, as female are more likely to experience this symptomology than males. It is possible that the severity of the injury may influence anxiety and depression symptoms, which we did not assess. In addition, participants were enrolled during COVID-19, which may have influenced the rates of elevated anxiety and depression symptoms. Elevated anxiety and depressive symptoms are associated with high levels of functional impairment. Therefore, adolescents should be routinely assessed for anxiety and depression, regardless of injured status. | Orthop J Sports Med | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1178 | Covid-19 Restrictions and the Effects of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Midwestern Adolescent Adaptive Athletes BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns in 2020 negatively impacted high school students, with increased depression and anxiety especially in athletes who participated in team sports. For adolescents with disabilities, physical activity provides physical and mental health benefits; however, the impact of COVID-19 related adaptive sports cancellations have not been thoroughly investigated. HYPOTHESIS: Adaptive athletes with lower activity levels during a period of COVID-19 related restrictions will have worse scores of depression, anxiety, and quality of life. METHODS: Institutional Review Board (IRB) exemption was granted. Adaptive athletes ages 12-21 were identified through Midwestern adaptive athletic associations. Athletes completed a survey between June 2020 and January 2021 including Patient Health Questionairre-9 Item (PHQ-9) for depression, General Anxiety Disorder-7 Item (GAD-7) anxiety, Pediatric Functional Activity Brief Scale (PFABS) for activity level, and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 (PedsQL) for quality of life. PFABS and PedsQL were modified as appropriate to adaptive athletes. Univariate analysis was performed using chi-square tests to assess the association between activity and mental health. Student T-tests were used for multivariate analysis to assess the role of sex, grade in school, and individual vs team sport participation on quality of life. RESULTS: Twenty-four respondents completed the survey in its entirety, with majority from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois. Demographics are shown in Table 1. There was no significant association between physical activity levels and GAD-7 (R(2)=-0.040), PHQ-9 (R(2)=-0.020) or PedsQL (R(2)=-0.043). Activity levels of adaptive sports athletes did not differ by gender, sport type or school grade (Table 1). DISCUSSION: Unlike previous work in able-bodied adolescents, we found no correlation between physical activity and scores related to depression and anxiety among adolescent adaptive sports athletes during COVID-19. Additionally, there were no difference in activity levels nor mental health scores by gender, sport type nor school grade, a proxy for age. While, the sample size in this study was a fraction of those used in previous work, adaptive athletes are a small proportion of adolescent athletes. Adaptive athletes, who face greater challenges in society on a daily basis, may have had lower quality of life measures at baseline or more sophisticated coping mechanisms already in place providing fortitude in mental health in the face of the pandemic. CONCLUSION: In a small cohort of adaptive athletes in the Midwest region of the USA, sport related cancellations had no association with mental health scores from June 2020 to January 2021. | Orthop J Sports Med | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1179 | The Effects of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Orthopaedic Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy: Practice Implications and The Management and Triaging of Surgical Cases BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on pediatric sports medicine patients. Many surgeons found themselves simultaneously managing surgical pathology, concerns of exposure, and limited resources. This led to challenging decisions regarding relative patient and case urgency. PURPOSE: 1. Define through expert opinion the relative urgency of prototypical pediatric arthroscopic surgical cases 2. Define current practices regarding pre-surgical testing and findings relevant to the recent, current, and potentially forthcoming challenges inherent to the COVID-19 pandemic. We further gathered information regarding variability of current practices and access to resources. METHODS: A mixed-methods survey was performed of the POSNA membership, specific to surgeons identifying as sub-specialized in pediatric sports medicine. A clinical vignette style survey was developed by the POSNA QSVI: Sports Committee. Cases included patients with a: meniscal tear, a bucket handle meniscus tear, ACL tear, unstable osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesion of the knee, locked knee due to a loose body, OCD of the capitellum, recurrent and primary shoulder instability, traumatic patellar instability with a loose osteochondral fragment, and a patient with a symptomatic discoid meniscus. The survey further asked how resource limitations could impact surgical decision-making, and how pre-operative testing might impact surgical timing and decisions. Information regarding personal and institutional experiences and limitations during the first 6 months of the pandemic was also collected. RESULTS: There were 119 survey respondents, of whom 54 met inclusion criteria. Seventy-five percent were primarily based at a university or academic hospital. Almost 56% of respondents had all scheduled cases cancelled for 4-7 weeks, 22% for 8-11 weeks, and 17% were shut down for more than 12 weeks. Forty-two percent followed guidance from an orthopaedic governing body, most commonly national orthopaedic organizations. There was significant variation in pre-operative testing protocols, ranging from screening questions to PCR testing and rapid testing. Triaging factors chosen by respondents for determining relative urgency, in order, were: Diagnosis, severity of symptoms/pathology, duration of symptoms, age, activity level, originally planned surgical date, and patient request. Each clinical vignette elicited variability in responses, but each had clear leaders in opinion regarding relative urgency. Most cases had more than 2/3 of respondents in relative agreement with respect to urgency. CONCLUSION: This study provides comparative details of the challenges and resource limitations experienced in pediatric sports medicine, and provides much-needed sub-specialty opinions on standards with respect to relative urgency and triaging for related cases. These experiences and opinions may be of benefit when advocating for patient access and care. | Orthop J Sports Med | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1180 | Transmuted lower record type inverse rayleigh distribution: estimation, characterizations and applications This study introduces a new lifetime distribution called the transmuted lower record type inverse Rayleigh which extends the inverse Rayleigh distribution and has the potential to model the recovery times of Covid-19 patients.The new distribution is obtained using the distributions of the first two lower record statistics of the inverse Rayleigh distribution. We discuss some statistical inferences and mathematical properties of the suggested distribution. We examine some characteristics of the proposed distribution such as density shape, hazard function,moments, moment generating function, incomplete moments,Rényi entropy, order statistics, stochastic ordering. We consider five estimation methods such as maximum likelihood, least squares, weighted least squares, Anderson-Darling, Cramér-von Mises for the point estimation of the proposed distribution. Then, a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to assess the risk behavior of the examined estimators. We provide two real data applications to illustrate the fitting ability of the proposed model, and compare its fit with competitor ones. Unlike many previously proposed distributions, the introduced distribution in this paper has modeled the recovery times of Covid-19 patients. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1181 | Towards a socially fair green transition in the EU? An analysis of the Just Transition Fund using the Multiple Streams Framework The Just Transition Fund was introduced in 2021 as part of the European Union’s Green New Deal and aims to assuage some of the painful social consequences of the green transition. Relying on the Multiple Streams Framework, this article reconstructs the JTF’s institution. It identifies 2018–2019 as a key conjuncture in the European Union when various social, ideational and political preconditions enabling policy innovation converged. Subsequently, the need to publicly finance a just transition emerged in relation to some Eastern European states’ reluctance to work towards the 2050 climate neutrality target. After a Polish-led configuration of actors propelled the JTF onto the agenda, the von der Leyen Commission assumed the task of designing a less transparently self-serving policy instrument necessary to garner wider political support. The final JTF emerged from the interplay between two policy entrepreneurs in the context of the negotiations on the 2021–2027 European Union budget and the dislocations provoked by the COVID-19 crisis. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1182 | SARS COV-2 and other viral etiology as a possible clue for the olfactory dilemma BACKGROUND: Post-viral anosmia is responsible for more than 40% of cases of anosmia. Anosmia has been a neglected symptom in the primary healthcare setting until the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection highlighted new atypical symptoms of the disease, including anosmia, which has become one of the diagnostic symptoms of the disease, and epidemiological concern. We aimed to detect the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within patients presented with anosmia and to test for other respiratory viruses in the negative COVID-19 patients. We also detected the recovery of anosmia and IgM/IgG against COVID-19. We prospectively included 60 outpatients with the major complaint of anosmia. Nasopharyngeal swabs were done for SARS-CoV-2 real-time PCR, and if negative, PCR to other respiratory pathogens was tested. After one month, we inquired about the recovery of smell loss together with testing for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. RESULTS: Sixty patients were enrolled in the study. Forty-six patients (76.7%) were SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive and 14 (23.3%) were negative. Rhinovirus was the commonest isolated pathogen in the negative cases (5/14). Complete recovery of anosmia occurred in 34 patients (56.7%), while partial recovery in 24 (40.0%), and no recovery in 2 patients (3.3%). The median time to complete recovery was 10 days. 28.3% (13/46) of the patients showed negative antibody response for both IgG and IgM. CONCLUSIONS: Sudden-onset anosmia is a symptom that is highly predictive of being COVID-19-infected. While recovery is expected within 2 weeks, some patients have no antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1183 | Bio-physiological-signals-based VR cybersickness detection With the gradual maturity of virtual reality (VR) technology in recent years, VR industry is in a trend of rapid growth, providing new possibilities for content design. Although VR technology has been able to provide users with excellent immersive experience, side effects that affect the user experience still exist, especially the cybersickness. It would cause extreme physical discomfort to the users and the discontinuation of use. Many researchers have tried to find the inducement of cybersickness and to detect and limit the occurrence of this symptom, but most of the current detection and analysis methods rely on subjective questionnaires to collect users’ posterior states, such as dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, disorientation, eyestrain and so on. There is no mature real-time cybersickness detection system for VR developers to evaluate the susceptibility of their products to cybersickness so far, which has hindered the adoption of VR to some extent. The purpose of this study is to implement the real-time monitoring of cybersickness using physiological sensors to measure data and quantify the influence factors of cybersickness through deep learning model. Besides, we have developed a VR experimental platform and passive navigation task to induce user cybersickness. During the experiment, to train the LSTM Attention neural network model, we collected the user’s real-time physiological signals, including skin electrical activity (EDA) and electrocardiogram (ECG), as well as the position and bone rotation data of the users’ virtual avatar. The model can detect the level of users’ cybersickness in real-time during VR experience. And the model has been verified by the fivefold cross-validation that the average accuracy of 96.85% was achieved for classification of cybersickness level, showing great performance compared with other relevant studies. The results show the feasibility of accurate classification of cybersickness using the model we proposed. Also the model can provide reference for VR researchers and developers to improve the user experience. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1184 | Two decades of the bottom of the pyramid research: identifying the influencers, structure and the evolution of the concept This paper reviews the literature on the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) across disciplines using systematic literature review (SLR). It explores the evolution of literature over the last 20 years, beginning with the work of C.K. Prahalad. A systematic search resulted in 665 publications related to BoP in various journals. This paper analyses these BoP publications from the start of the concept until 2018 using bibliographic data and thematic analysis of the entire text of the most influential papers. The analysis involves identifying trends in publications and citations, most-cited journals and papers, most productive and influential authors in the field. The results indicate a surge in BoP research. We also find that the focus of the research has shifted to newer disciplines. A thematic analysis of the top 151 papers in BoP indicates the domain's evolution over the years. Overall, the results suggest a sustained and growing interest in BoP. The findings also indicate a shift in focus and nature of the research over the years. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1185 | „Borna disease virus 1"(BoDV-1)-Enzephalitis eines 18-Jährigen außerhalb des bisher bekannten Endemiegebietes | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1186 | Pre-service Teachers' Use of General Social Networking Sites Linked to Current Scenarios: Nature and Characteristics Social networking sites form part of everyday life in classrooms at all educational levels. Within these, general social networking sites (GSNSs) offer pre-service teachers flexibility, versatility and the possibility of forming educational communities by connecting formal, non-formal and informal settings. This research analyses the nature, intensity, and type of pre-service teachers’ use of such for educational purposes in their initial training in order to detect the most important aspects for improvement. Possible factors shaping behaviour were gender, whether individuals belonged to universities operating online or in person, differences in the types of studies they were undertaking, and the time at which the questionnaire was administered, before or after the COVID-19 health crisis. To this end, we studied how much and with what aims these students use the most widely used GSNSs for educational purposes. To do so, we administered a questionnaire to a total of 812 students from 6 Spanish universities. The results show a preference for WhatsApp, YouTube, and Instagram. In addition, it was found that undergraduate students used them more intensively than postgraduate students. In the case of online universities, there was a greater need to cover affective and emotional aspects than in in-person universities. As in almost all areas, the situation caused by COVID-19 changed the way social networks were used. The findings also show that pre-service teachers consumed more information on social media than what they produced, which leads to a failure to fully exploit social capital and potential job or academic opportunities that could be generated through their own creations. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1187 | EPOS Abstract Book | J Child Orthop | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1188 | Optimization of full zirconium crowns manufacturing using hybrid digital approach under the sanitary restrictions during Covid-19 pandemic and limited clinical access to intraoral scanner Purpose To assess clinical optimization of hybrid digital approach for full zirconium crowns manufacturing developed under sanitary restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic considering specific economical interaction of “low budget clinic–high budget dental laboratory”. Methods Developed primary approach included following steps: 1) taking analog impression by dental clinician; 2) digitalization of impression by mobile dental technician team outside the dental clinic; 3) transfer of obtained *.stl file to the dental lab; 4) inversion of *.stl file for dental model production with further CAD-CAM manufacturing of zirconium crowns; and 5) delivery of manufactured crowns to the clinic in a non-contact manner. The clinical effectiveness of such an approach was assessed by criteria of clinical time expenditures associated with appropriate crowns fitting and fixation, clinical marginal fit, and risk reduction considering COVID-19 transmission. Results Analysis of 116 cases demonstrated that in 81.89% of cases, time expenditures associated with appropriate crowns fitting and fixation were not statistically different (p > 0.05) from those needed for crowns manufactured by usual digital protocols. Clinical marginal fit in 70.68% cases was classified as “excellent”, in 21.55% cases – as “good”, and in 7.76% cases – as “appropriate”. Risk reduction of COVID-19 transmission considering a possible way of disease spread varied in the range of 34.61-56.78%. Conclusions A proposed approach for full zirconium crowns manufacturing developed specifically under sanitary restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic optimizes the quality of dental care considering limited clinical access to an intraoral scanner while demonstrating sufficient clinical effectiveness in the means of marginal crowns fit and clinical time expenditures. | J Dent | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1189 | Competencias esenciales en la formación de los residentes, ¿qué nos ha enseñado la pandemia por la COVID-19? During COVID-19 pandemic, residents developed essential competencies for critical situations, such as teamwork, professionalism and communication. Facing the new disease led to an unprecedented learning context in which new competencies were needed. Through this study, we analyzed the most relevant aspects of residents' learning during the pandemic with the competencies-based Cruces 2008 model. We address inpatient care by multidisciplinary teams, the use of telemedicine to reduce physical contact and the development of online teaching methods and simulation to compensate for the deficit in other learning techniques. Decision-making in a resource-poor setting and its ethical conflicts taught the residents to prioritize the common good over other principles. Competencies such as information management, scientific research and patient safety were particularly affected by low evidence-based decision-making. Furthermore, the self-learning of the residents was reviewed through remote training. This new method requires better structuring and should be used as a complement to face-to-face training in the near future. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1190 | Le sommeil des étudiants français en période de COVID-19: Influence des deux premiers confinements sur la quantité et la qualité de sommeil La pandémie de la COVID-19 a entraîné deux périodes de confinement pendant l’année 2020 qui ont amené à des modifications des habitudes de vie. L’objectif de notre étude est d’évaluer l’impact des confinements sur la quantité (i.e., horaires et temps passé au lit) et la qualité (i.e., difficultés et parasomnies) du sommeil chez des étudiants français. Au cours du premier et du second confinement, les étudiants ont été invités à répondre à un questionnaire en ligne composé de 23 questions. Ce questionnaire s’intéressait aux horaires réels et idéaux de lever et de coucher, au temps passé au lit, ainsi qu’aux parasomnies et difficultés liées au sommeil. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les étudiants dormaient plus tardivement et passaient plus de temps au lit le week-end qu’en semaine, ces effets étant plus marqués pendant le premier confinement que pendant le second. La majorité des étudiants a rapporté avoir un sommeil de mauvaise qualité, des difficultés d’endormissement, des réveils précoces, ainsi qu’une sensation de manque de sommeil. Les parasomnies les plus fréquentes se sont caractérisées par des épisodes de cauchemars et de somniloquie. Les difficultés liées au sommeil et les parasomnies rapportées étaient plus importantes pendant le second confinement qu’au cours du premier. La dette de sommeil était toujours présente au cours des confinements. Les difficultés de sommeil et les parasomnies rapportées ont témoigné d’un sommeil de mauvaise qualité chez les étudiants durant ces périodes. Des hypothèses explicatives ainsi que des perspectives de prévention quant à l’hygiène du sommeil sont discutées. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in two periods of confinement during the year 2020 that led to changes in lifestyle patterns. The purpose of our study was to assess the impact of the lockdowns on the quantity (i.e., schedule and time in bed) and quality (i.e., difficulties and parasomnias) of sleep in French college students. During the first and second lockdowns, students were asked to answer an online questionnaire consisting of 23 questions. This questionnaire gathered information on the real and ideal schedules of getting up and going to bed, the time in bed, as well as the parasomnias and difficulties related to sleep (difficulties in falling asleep, waking up, lack of sleep feeling). The results showed that students slept later and spent more time in bed on week-ends than during the week, with these effects being more pronounced during the first confinement than during the second. The majority of students reported poor sleep quality, difficulty falling asleep, early awakening, and a feeling of sleep deprivation. The most common parasomnias were episodes of nightmares and sleepiness. Sleep difficulties and reported parasomnias were greater during the second confinement than during the first. Sleep debt, was still present during the lockdowns. The reported sleep difficulties and parasomnias reflect poor sleep quality, despite the reduction in social constraints. Explanatory hypotheses as well as prevention perspectives regarding sleep hygiene were considered. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1191 | Viral Racism via Videos: A Study of Asians' Experiences of Interpersonal Discrimination Because of COVID-19 This study analyzes five publicly posted videos wherein Asians experience interpersonal discrimination because of COVID-19. We think social scientists ignore how videos provide data for investigating interpersonal discrimination. We characterize the videos according to multiple features including context, characteristics, and responses of individuals involved, type of threat or mistreatment, and level of psychological and physical harm. We then summarize features across the videos. Among other things, analyses uncover implicit, explicit, and historically specific anti-Asian sentiment alongside evidence perpetrators are men and bystanders do not intervene typically. The Discussion contrasts Asians’ experiences of interpersonal discrimination because of COVID-19 against the interpersonal and institutional discrimination faced by American Indians, blacks, and Hispanics in the United States. That contrast brings Asians’ positionality into sharp relief. | Soc Curr | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1192 | Understanding the perceived behavior of public utility bus passengers during the era of COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines: Application of social exchange theory and theory of planned behavior Over the years, passengers in the Philippines have relied on public utility bus (PUB) to reach a destination. However, PUB has been greatly affected by the adverse effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Therefore, the study analyzed passengers' behavior using PUB during the COVID-19 pandemic by integrating social exchange theory (SET) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). A total of 505 PUB users completed the online questionnaire containing sixty-seven (67) measures. Through confirmatory factor analysis – structural equation modeling (CFA-SEM), all the twelve (12) hypotheses were found significant. Accessibility, safety, economic benefit, and crisis management had a significant and positive influence on passengers' trust. Moreover, passengers' trust produced a significant positive influence on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Additionally, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control generated a significant positive influence on the intention to use PUB. Furthermore, perceived behavioral control had a significant positive influence on perceived passenger behavior. Lastly, the intention to use PUB developed a substantial and positive influence on perceived passenger behavior. PUB companies and policymakers can utilize these findings to develop additional PUB reforms for the benefit of passengers, drivers, operators, companies, and the government during the COVID-19 pandemic. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1193 | The effects of COVID-19 on safety practices in construction projects The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was recognized as a worldwide epidemic and classed as a high risk in early 2020, affecting people's health, economies, and business sectors considerably. This pandemic has had an impact on people's lifestyles and work processes in a multitude of sectors. The construction industry is one such industry that has had a substantial influence on it. However, this influence needs to be measured in different areas. This study aims to measure the effects of the COVID-19 on the 7 core safety elements and their 24 procedures that are derived from the recommended practices for safety and health programs in construction that is issued by OSHA to see whether their priorities have been changed or not. The data were collected and then analyzed using Relative Importance Index (RII) to study the changes in their priorities; and using t-test to study the significance of the changes before and after COVID-19 pandemic. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1194 | Corporate entrepreneurs and collaborative innovation in crisis: The case of the Covid-19 ventilator shortage This teaching case focuses on corporate entrepreneurship and collaborative innovation during an unprecedented crisis – the shortage in mechanical ventilators when the Covid-19 pandemic began. Based on secondary data sources, the case outlines the challenges of designing and manufacturing mechanical ventilators and introduces four initiatives, consisting of organisations with often limited experience in medical device manufacturing that attempted to address the predicted shortage of ventilators. By comparing the approaches used in these initiatives, the case sensitises students to the challenges of pursuing opportunities outside a firm's established domain of expertise and how inter-organisational collaboration affects such attempts. Although the case centres on an unprecedented event, the insights it develops make it suitable for a range of innovation and entrepreneurship-related under- and post-graduates courses. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1195 | The COVID-19 opportunity for Qure.ai Qure.ai was a healthcare startup deep learning, a subset of machine learning, in healthcare. One of their products was used to diagnose tuberculosis and other lung ailments. With the spread of COVID-19, they were able to repurpose their product to also detect early onset of COVID-19 in patients. They were in a position where they had to decide whether to focus on COVID-19 or on the opportunities related to other lung ailments. | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1196 | Neurological relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia mimicking COVID-19 associated Guillain-Barré Syndrome | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1197 | Fortschritte in Diagnostik und Therapie des hereditären Angioödems | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1198 | Maske auf-das schützt auch vor Pollen | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1199 | Nicht immer ist die Impfung schuld | N/A | 2022 | CORD-19 | |
1200 | In this Issue | Dela J Public Health | 2021 | CORD-19 |
(1) COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). 2020. Version 2022-06-02. Retrieved from https://ai2-semanticscholar-cord-19.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/historical_releases.html. Accessed 2022-06-05. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3715506
(2) Chen Q, Allot A, & Lu Z. (2020) Keep up with the latest coronavirus research, Nature 579:193 and Chen Q, Allot A, Lu Z. LitCovid: an open database of COVID-19 literature. Nucleic Acids Research. 2020. (version 2023-01-10)
(3) Currently tweets of June 23rd to June 29th 2022 have been considered.