| Title | Venue | Year | Impact | Source |
5451 | Place de l'offre de soins libérale dans la réponse aux crises sanitaires La pandémie à SARS-Co-V2, par son impact exceptionnel sur le système de santé de la région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, a constitué un véritable crash-test pour l’ensemble des acteurs régionaux de la santé. Alors que l’organisation des soins en France repose traditionnellement et historiquement sur une offre hospitalière publique et un secteur libéral et privé, l’intégration de ces deux composantes était perçue comme inégale, notamment lors de la première vague. L’Union régionale des médecins libéraux de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté a mené au cours de l’été 2020 une enquête auprès de ses mandants ainsi qu’une analyse des mesures prises dans le cadre de la réponse à la crise, du point de vue de l’offre de soins libérale. Ces travaux ont mis en lumière combien l’ensemble des ressources sanitaires du pays étaient inégalement intégrées aux plans de réponse aux crises et l’émergence d’initiatives reconnues mais restant à consolider. Intégrer ces initiatives validées dans un dispositif régional cohérent et une déclinaison territoriale efficace, renforcer la place des ressources libérales dans la réponse aux crises sanitaires, définir les modalités d’une telle intégration et les valider par l’usage apparaissent aujourd’hui autant d’enjeux auxquels nous devons collectivement répondre; il en va de la résilience tant du système de santé que de ses acteurs mais également de l’optimisation des capacités de ceux-ci à retarder autant que possible les situations de saturation voire de débordement et ainsi de dégager les indispensables marges de manœuvre, ne serait-ce pour la mise en œuvre des renforts. The SARS-Cov-2 pandemic, through its exceptional impact on the health system of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, was a real “crash test” for all regional health professionals. While the organization of care in France is traditionally and historically based on a public hospital offer and a liberal and private sector, the integration of these two components was perceived as uneven, especially during the first wave. During the summer of 2020, the Regional Union of Liberal Doctors of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté conducted a survey of its constituents as well as an analysis of the measures taken as part of the response to the crisis, from the point of view of the liberal care offer. This work highlighted how all of the country's health resources were unequally integrated into crisis response plans and the emergence of initiatives recognized but still to be consolidated. Integrating these validated initiatives into a coherent regional plan and an effective territorial declination, reinforcing the place of liberal resources in the response to health crises, defining the modalities of such integration and validating them through use appear today as many challenges to which we must collectively respond; the resilience of both the health system and its stakeholders is at stake, as well as the optimization of the latter's capacities to delay as much as possible situations of saturation or even overflow and thus free up the necessary room for maneuver, do not would it be for the implementation of reinforcements. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5452 | N/A | N/A | 0000 | | CORD-19 |
5453 | Posters | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5454 | Pont aérien d'évacuation Mayotte-Réunion En janvier 2021, une deuxième vague épidémique de SARS-CoV-2 a débuté sur le département de Mayotte pour atteindre son paroxysme en février. Les capacités en lits de réanimation du centre hospitalier de Mayotte ont rapidement été dépassées, obligeant d’une part à trouver des solutions pour doubler le nombre des lits, mais également à réfléchir à la possibilité de transporter des patients vers la Réunion. C’est dans ce contexte qu’un véritable pont aérien sanitaire a été organisé conjointement par les SAMU de Mayotte et de la Réunion. Le vecteur aérien mis à disposition du SAMU de Mayotte depuis mai 2020 (ERJ 135 de la compagnie Amelia) a été optimisé afin de réaliser deux rotations par jour et de permettre le transport de trois patients allongés. En plus des équipes des SAMU de Mayotte et de la Réunion, des médecins et infirmiers SMUR de métropole sont venus renforcer le dispositif suite à un appel à solidarité initié par Samu-Urgences de France. Le premier enjeu de la sécurisation des transports a été la sélection des patients au départ. Des critères clinico-biologiques basés principalement sur des paramètres ventilatoires, hémodynamiques et rénaux ont été retenus afin d’objectiver au mieux les patients transportables. Il est rapidement apparu que les patients intubés sans défaillance associée étaient les plus à même de supporter le vol. Sur un plan logistique, l’une des principales difficultés a été l’organisation des différentes norias entre les hôpitaux et les aéroports avec une synchronisation des équipes et du matériel permettant de tenir les deux rotations par jour tout en assurant des relèves. La gestion de l’oxygène aéronautique a également été une importante préoccupation compte tenu des stocks limités et de la consommation importante chez les patients en SDRA. Les besoins en oxygène étaient systématiquement majorés au cours du vol mais aucun décès n’est survenu lors de ces transferts. L’implication de chacun a permis de transporter en toute sécurité plus de 90 patients, dont 68 SDRA en seulement quatre semaines. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5455 | Schmerzkongress Moorheilbad Harbach | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5456 | Electronic circuit implementation of the compartmental models for population dynamics of COVID-19 like epidemics Modelling of population dynamics of epidemic diseases is crucial in developing effective strategies for curbing the diseases. It helps us identify the various parameters that can help control the epidemic if the modelling is done carefully. Physical modelling of the dynamics in the form of circuits and systems can augment the understanding of disease mechanisms. In this paper, we develop two electronic circuit models for realizing the dynamics of two compartmental models widely used in epidemiological studies. These models are important in the context of the current, rampant COVID-19 global pandemic. This innovative study will no doubt pave the way for developing electronic circuits and analog processing systems that can simulate the dynamics of more complex population models. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5457 | Ernährung im Alter-ein wesentlicher Schlüssel zum Erhalt der Funktionalität und Lebensqualität Jenseits des 70. Lebensjahrs ist bei älteren Menschen regelhaft eine Abnahme der Muskelmasse sowie eine Zunahme der Fettmasse zu beobachten. Diese Veränderungen der Körperzusammensetzung stellen eine wesentliche Prädisposition für den im Alter drohenden Verlust an Funktionalität und Selbständigkeit dar. In diesem Kontext kommt der richtigen Ernährung sowie insbesondere dem Vermeiden einer Mangelernährung große Relevanz zu. Da die ältere Bevölkerung hinsichtlich der Geschwindigkeit und Ausprägung der Alterungsvorgänge sowie ihrer Komorbiditäten als äußerst heterogen zu betrachten ist, müssen Ernährungsempfehlungen individualisiert erfolgen. Mit Hinblick auf eine potenzielle Gefährdung durch eine Sarkopenie ist selbst eine beabsichtigte Gewichtsabnahme im Alter kritisch zu sehen. Fastenepisoden sollten generell vermieden werden. Dies betrifft insbesondere eine unzureichende Kalorienzufuhr im Kontext von akuten oder chronischen Erkrankungen. Im höheren Lebensalter sollten daher regelmäßige Gewichtskontrollen erfolgen, um das Auftreten einer Mangelernährung frühzeitig zu erkennen und entsprechende Maßnahmen einleiten zu können. Zum Erhalt der Muskelmasse und -funktion sollte eine gegenüber jüngeren Menschen erhöhte Eiweißzufuhr von 1,0 g/kgKG angestrebt werden. Bei älteren Menschen mit Sarkopenie wird dieses Ziel auf 1,2 g/kgKG angehoben. Während sich im Alter restriktive Diäten als nachteilig erweisen können, scheinen gesunde Ernährungsformen wie z. B. die mediterrane Ernährung den Erhalt der muskulären und kognitiven Funktion zu fördern. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5458 | RETRACTED ARTICLE: Going native: Prospects of native advertising development in the ASEAN and BRICS countries Native advertising is the most effective tool to deal with the refusal of Internet users to perceive advertising messages that determine its originality and novelty. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects of development of these markets and their current status, marketing research companies. The result shows that the markets of the ASEAN countries and similar economies like Kazakhstan are characterized by a hardly predictable but rather big domestic advertising market, which is expected to become as big as the BRICS market in the next 10 years, as well as get ahead of it. The biggest changes are noted in China, where the native advertising market has won an extra 30% of the total digital advertising market for the last 5 years. The lowest growth rate of the native advertising market is noted in Brazil, India and South Africa (12.92%, 17.53% and 17.96% of the total online market, respectively). Prospects for further research are based on the possibility of using the results in the analysis of regional features of native advertising in the media of other countries in a comparative aspect, taking into account a system of criteria: socio-political situation, cultural traditions, economics, education, and media. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5459 | Multi-player electoral engineering and COVID-19 in the polish presidential elections in 2020 The uniqueness of Poland’s experience with the 2020 coronavirus lays in the interplay of two factors: the decisive governmental response to the pandemic, and the overlap of the pandemic with the country’s presidential election scheduled on May 10, 2020. The government’s fast reaction, combined with the citizens’ discipline, resulted in the suppression of the virus’s spread. The ratings of the current President Duda skyrocketed well above 50% needed for re-election in the first round. However, the expectation was that they would be going down with the pandemic and lockdown fatigue. For almost two months, the government tried to organize the elections under the normal schedule while the opposition tried to block them. Finally, the opposition won, and the elections were rescheduled on June 28, with the President Duda’s ratings substantially lower. Nevertheless, in the runoff on July 11, Duda won. Our conclusion goes against the common opinion that electoral engineering is always one-sided. The reconstruction of the pre-electoral political maneuvers shows that many independent players were simultaneously involved in complex engineering, and that the final outcome was hard to predict until almost the very end. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5460 | Global trends in COVID-19 The pandemic COVID-19 is certainly one of the most severe infectious diseases in human history. In the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused over 418.6 million confirmed cases and 5.8 million deaths worldwide. Young people make up the majority of all infected COVID-19 cases, but the mortality rate is relatively low compared to older age groups. Currently, about 55.04% individuals have been fully vaccinated to reach herd immunity globally. The challenge is that new SARS-CoV-2 variants with potential to evade immunity from natural infection or vaccine continue to emerge. Breakthrough infections have occurred in both SARS-CoV-2 naturally infected and vaccinated individuals, but breakthrough infections tended to exhibit mild or asymptomatic symptoms and lower mortality rates. Therefore, immunity from natural infection or vaccination can reduce SARS-CoV-2 pathogenicity, but neither can completely prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection/reinfection. Fortunately, the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 continue to decline. The 7-day average cumulative case fatality of COVID-19 has decreased from 12.3 % on the February 25, 2020, to 0.27% January 09, 2022, which could be related to a decreased SARS-CoV-2 variant virulence, vaccine immunization, and/or better treatment of patients. In conclusion, elimination of SARS-CoV-2 in the world could be impossible or at least an arduous task with a long way to go. The best strategy to prevent COVID-19 pandemic is to expand inoculation rate of effective vaccines. As the population reaches herd immunity, the mortality rate of COVID-19 may continue to decrease, and COVID-19 could eventually become another common cold. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5461 | Men's anxiety, why it matters and what is needed to limit its risk for male suicide Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health disorder experienced by men. If left untreated, anxiety is predictive of psychiatric disorders including depression and associated suicide risk. Despite the prevalence and impact of men’s anxiety, it remains largely overlooked in the field of men’s mental health. Globally, men are reported to have lower rates of anxiety disorders compared to women; however, these sex-differences do not reflect the complexity and nuance of men’s experiences. There is early evidence to suggest a male-type anxiety phenotype which may go undetected with generic diagnostic classifications. Masculine norms (i.e., stoicism, toughness, invulnerability) appear to be central to men’s experiences and expressions of anxiety as well as men’s help-seeking and coping behaviours. This is particularly concerning given anxiety increases men’s risk of physical and psychological comorbidities and suicide risk. The effective assessment, detection and treatment of men’s anxiety is therefore critical to improve mental health outcomes across the male lifespan. We propose three key recommendations for the field of men’s anxiety: (i) to develop a theoretical model surrounding men’s experiences of anxiety, (ii) broaden mental health resources, interventions and suicide prevention strategies to encompass men’s gendered experiences of anxiety (e.g., sentiments of shame, physical symptom manifestation), and (iii) utilise informal supports (i.e., friends and family) as an avenue of intervention to improve men’s anxiety outcomes. Without a substantial research agenda in men’s anxiety, we will fail to recognise and respond to men’s gendered experiences of anxiety and ultimately fail to reduce male suicides. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5462 | Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, Jay A. Jacobson and Charles B. Smith. Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease, second edition: Oxford University Press; 592 pages; e-book ISBN: 9780197564547 | Croat Med J | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5463 | Tabakkonsum und Behandlung von Tabakabhängigkeit: Wirksame Strategien und aktuelle Entwicklungen Every year, around 127,000 people in Germany die as a result of smoking tobacco. These include 85,000 people with tobacco-related cancer. However, about a quarter of the adult population in Germany still smokes—often even when a tobacco-related disease develops. Many smokers do not achieve abstinence without support. This article provides an overview of evidence-based tobacco cessation strategies and also describes the potential of tobacco cessation in the context of adjuvant therapy for tumor diseases. Finally, health policy challenges for tobacco cessation care are highlighted. A variety of psychological and pharmacological intervention methods for tobacco cessation are effective. Patients who smoke with tobacco-related diseases should be offered tobacco cessation therapy. As an adjuvant therapy in cancer treatment, it is comparatively inexpensive, with significant benefits for disease recovery and quality of life for those affected. To date, however, it has been offered in Germany only as a poorly regulated preventive measure. Tobacco cessation is of great importance as an adjuvant therapy for tumor diseases. In order to improve the quality of life of a large number of people with tobacco-related diseases, as well as for health economic reasons, it is urgently necessary that it become established and financed as a nationwide routine process in medical care. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5464 | A Trauma-Informed Inquiry of COVID-19's Initial Impact on Adult Education Program Administrators and Instructors in the United States The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on adult education programs globally, transforming in-person operations to distance, online enterprises often overnight. Many administrators, instructors, and program staff have been inordinately burdened physically, economically, and socially by the pandemic in ways that could be considered traumatic. The pandemic has also revealed how the insufficient access to educational technology and limited digital literacy has affected program administrators, instructors, and adult students alike. Can the pandemic create the opportunity to elevate adult learning and restructure existing policies and practices moving forward? To grapple with the answers to this question, this exploratory qualitative study sought the perspectives and insights of program administrators and instructors in adult education programs in the northeastern United States. Through an online, mostly open-ended questionnaire, self-reflections of lessons learned were analyzed through a trauma-informed lens (Gross, 2020). Through multiple rounds of coding, the following themes emerged: (1) balancing multiple stressors; (2) coping with pandemic uncertainty; and (3) addressing virtual classroom engagement, remote work, and the digital divide. Recommendations for modifying preservice preparation and ongoing professional development and making programmatic policies and instructional practices that promote distance teaching/learning and digital literacy in more trauma-responsive and inclusive ways were proposed as were areas for future research. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5465 | Investigation of the factors affecting the e-learning process in occupational therapy education during the pandemic with principal component analysis INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to examine the factors affecting the e-learning process in occupational therapy education in the COVID-19 period. METHOD: In the study, a form containing personal information and questions about the e-learning process, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were applied to 253 occupational therapy students via the Google form. Principal component analysis was used to evaluate the data. RESULTS: A large number of questionnaires were applied in the study, and principal component analysis, an advanced statistical method that enables the interpretation of this type of big data more effectively, was used. 13 components were determined, and a variance of 88% was explained. The main components were listed as students’ self-perception about the education system, learning methods, home and university environment, information technologies, physical activity level, and academic performance/participation. CONCLUSION: We hope that the results of our study will provide a perspective on what innovations can be made for quality improvement in occupational therapy education. It would be beneficial to increase student feedback by applying similar studies in other education programs. | Br J Occup Ther | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5466 | Pandemic threat and authoritarian attitudes in Europe: An empirical analysis of the exposure to COVID-19 While analysis of the impact of threatening events has moved from bit player to center stage in political science in recent decades, the phenomenon of pandemic threat is widely neglected in terms of a systematic research agenda. Tying together insights from the behavioral immune system hypothesis and standard political science models of emotional processing, we evaluate whether exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic threat is related to authoritarian attitudes and which emotions do the work. Using 12 samples with over 12,000 respondents from six European countries at two time points (2020 and 2021), we argue that pandemic threats can generate disgust, anger, and fear. Our analyses indicate that exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic threat particularly activates fear, which in turn is linked to authoritarian attitudes. | Eur Union Polit | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5467 | COVID-19: les besoins en oxygène lors de la pandémie en Guadeloupe The distribution of medical oxygen (O2) in Guadeloupe is provided by Air-Liquide in a quasi-monopoly situation. During the period from July 16 to September 12, 2021, the 4th wave of COVID-19 pandemic hit the territory with a peak above 2500 positive cases per 1000000 inhabitants leading to a saturating influx of oxygen-requiring patients in the territory's emergency services. The critical care offer of the department has increased to the benefit of the opening of ephemeral resuscitation units generating a growth of medical O2 consumption exceeding the local availability capacities. Despite the increase in critical care capacity, medical triage in compliance with ethical rules adapted to exceptional situations was necessary. Although measures to secure the supply of medical O2 from Martinique made it possible to avoid a shortage in hospitals, the distributors of individual concentrators were unable to satisfy all the requests for outpatient care before the arrival of a special allocation from Santé publique France. This feedback shows that the management of health crisis with a strong expression of respiratory failures imposes in insular environment an anticipation on the consequences of the foreseeable increase of medical O2 consumption. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5468 | Spatial and temporal changes in electricity demand regulatory during pandemic periods: The case of COVID-19 in Doha, Qatar The propagation of the pandemic times, especially during COVID-19, has caused millions of morbidity and mortality cases across the world, forcing people to change their lifestyles and governments to take different measures to slow down the spread of the disease. Consequently, electricity demand and consumption patterns across other socioeconomic sectors were affected by the pandemic. This study aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on spatiotemporal electricity demand and consumption across six socioeconomic sectors in Doha City, Qatar. The electricity demand and consumption were assessed for three time periods in the pandemic year (pre-lockdown, lockdown, and post-lockdown) compared to electricity consumption prior to the pandemic year (2017–2019). The empirical analysis was performed on a geographically visualized map to determine the areas with high and low electricity consumption. The pattern has been compared before and during the pandemic with previous years. The results show that electricity consumption has increased in the residential and governmental sectors and declined in the industrial and commercial sectors during the lockdown period compared to the post-lockdown period, particularly in the summer season. Mapping the hot/cold spots areas and the temporal analysis of the changing patterns of electricity demand and consumption could provide useful insight to decision-makers for targeted interventions. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5469 | Rheumatoid arthritis occurring after COVID-19 infection: Case based review Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a multifactorial disease. Genetic predisposition and environmental triggers including infections are the major players of autoimmunity. We present a case of rheumatoid arthritis occurring after the coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) infection.Case presentation: A 72-year-old woman with a medical history of hypertension and atrial fibrillation presented for a 2-month history of bilateral symmetric polyarthritis starting 2 weeks after asymptomatic COVID-19 infection. Physical examination showed swelling and tenderness of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, wrists, and knees. She had increased inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein:108 mg/L, erythrocyte sedimentation rate: 95mm, alpha-2 and gamma-globulins, interleukin 6: 16.5 pg/mL). Immunological tests revealed positive rheumatoid factor (128 UI/mL), anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (200UI/mL), anti-nuclear antibodies (1:320), and anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG (12.24U/mL). She had the genotype: HLA-DRB1*04:11, HLA-DQB1*03:01, and HLA-DQB1* 03:02. Hands and feet radiographs did not show any erosion. Ultrasonography showed active synovitis and erosion of the 5th right metatarsal head. The diagnosis of RA was made. The patient received intravenous pulses of methylprednisolone (250 mg/day for 3 consecutive days) then oral corticosteroids (15mg daily) and methotrexate (10 mg/week) were associated, leading to clinical and biological improvement.Conclusion: Despite its rarity, physicians should be aware of the possibility of the occurrence of RA after COVID-19 infection. This finding highlights the autoimmune property of this emerging virus and raises further questions about the pathogenesis of immunological alterations. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5470 | A pictorial review of imaging manifestations of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis-emerging threat in COVID pandemic Mucormycosis is an aggressive invasive fungal infection caused by mycocetes fungi. It is an opportunistic infection, associated with high morbidity and mortality. In the current era of COVID-19 pandemic, the entire world has witnessed a dramatic upsurge in cases of Mucormycosis. Paranasal sinuses are the commonest site to be affected with the tendency for rapid spread to orbit, face, and brain. Early diagnosis and prompt medical or surgical intervention are the only ways for preventing morbidity and saving precious lives. Imaging plays a crucial role not only in diagnosis but also in defining the extent of the disease for presurgical mapping. Black turbinate sign in the nasal cavity, mucosal thickening in paranasal sinuses with periantral invasion, and bony erosion are the early diagnostic signs. This pictorial review shall provide a comprehensive review of the various imaging manifestations of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis with a final proposed reporting checklist. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5471 | Submillisievert CT chest for COVID-19 patients in a rural hospital with limited resources BACKGROUND: This is a secondary analysis of prospectively acquired data approved by the hospital institutional board committee. We performed a retrospective chart review of 463 patients who underwent a CT Chest for suspected COVID-19 infection between April 1st, 2020, and March 31st, 2021. Patients were grouped based on the CT chest obtained protocol: ultra-low dose or full dose. The likelihood of suspicion of COVID-19 infection was classified on a Likert scale based on the probability of pulmonary involvement. For each group, the sensitivity and specificity of CT were compared to nasopharyngeal swab as standard of reference. The median dose length product and duration of apnea were compared between both groups using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. The aim of this study is to share our experience of reducing radiation dose in COVID-19 patients by using an ultra-low dose CT chest protocol on a 16 row multidetector CT scan in a hospital with limited resources. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-nine patients underwent a full dose CT and 194 patients an ultra-low dose CT. In the former group, the median dose length product was 341.11 mGy*cm [Interquartile range (IQR), 239.1–443.2] and the median duration of apnea was 13.29 s [IQR, 10.85–15.73]. In the latter group, the median dose length product was 30.8 mGy*cm [IQR, 28.9–32.7] and median duration of apnea was 8.27 s [IQR, 7.69–8.85]. The sensitivity of the ultra-low dose CT was 91.2% and that of the full dose was 94%. CONCLUSION: A 90% reduction in estimated dose and 38% reduction in apnea duration could be achieved using an ultra-low dose CT chest protocol on a 16-row MDCT without significant loss in the sensitivity of CT to detect COVID-related parenchymal involvement. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5472 | Identifying emergence process of group panic buying behavior under the COVID-19 pandemic The sudden COVID-19 caused frequent incidents of large-scale material panic buying, resulting in imbalance in supply and demand of goods and threatening social stability. It is of great significance to analyze the formation of group panic buying and help alleviate such action. This paper takes the panic buying phenomenon as the research target, quantifies the internal and external factors affecting individual buying behavior, restores the selection process of individual buying behavior, and constructs the emergence model of group panic buying behavior by using the idea of cluster dynamics. Through simulations, we find that: (1) The epidemic information intensity has a significant impact on the emergence of group rush buying behavior. (2) Government intervention plays a significant role in reducing the scale of group rush buying. Besides, the effects of intervention reach the best before people who do not participate in rush buying disappear. In addition, we also discuss the impact, limitations and future research directions. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5473 | Numerical evaluation on indoor environment quality during high numbers of occupied passengers in the departure hall of an airport terminal The rapid development of airports and the rapid spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have brought increased attention to indoor environment quality, airflow organization, key pollutant dispersion, and ventilation modes in airport terminals. However, the characteristics of these parameters, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and aerosol diffusion, are not fully understood. Therefore, in this study, the airflow patterns; CO2 and aerosol dispersion; and several thermal environment indices, including temperature, wind velocity, and predicted mean vote (PMV), of an airport terminal departure hall with high numbers of occupied passenger were numerically evaluated using the realizable k-ε and passive scalar models. The efficacies of three common ventilation modes, namely, up-supply and up-return, up-supply and down-return with different sides, and up-supply and down-return with the same side, were evaluated based on the CO2 removal efficiency and spreading range of aerosols. The results indicated that under high numbers of occupied passenger conditions, these ventilation modes vary slightly, with respect to create a comfortable and healthy environment. In particular, the up-supply and down-return with different sides mode was the best among the modes considered, when comparing the indices of temperature, wind speed PMV, and CO2 emission efficiency. Conversely, with respect to decreasing the risk of aerosol exposure, the up-supply and down-return with the same side mode was the best. Overall, the results from this study provide fundamental information for predicting CO2 and aerosol exposure levels and will act as a reference for the design and operation of ventilation systems in airport terminal buildings. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5474 | Prognosis of COVID-19 in respiratory allergy: a systematic review and meta-analysis BACKGROUND: Do underlying allergic respiratory diseases such as asthma and rhinitis predispose to a severe coronavirus (COVID-19) infection? We conducted this systematic review to map out and synthesize evidence of published literature. MAIN BODY OF THE ABSTRACT: We searched five bibliographic databases for articles published between 1 January and 15 November 2020 using keywords: “COVID” AND “Allergic disease,” “Prognosis and COVID-19,” “SARS-CoV-2,” “Asthma,” “Allergic rhinitis.” We synthesized 32 eligible articles from a total of 11,376 articles retrieved from the search process. The profile of allergic respiratory conditions was identified, and only seven studies reported on the treatment administered. No significant difference was observed concerning the prevalence of COVID-19 in individuals with allergic asthma and those with non-allergic asthma (RR = 0.61, p = 0.08). The mortality rate significantly decreased in COVID-19-infected patients with asthma than patients without asthma (RR = 0.63, p = 0.04). SHORT CONCLUSION: There is little evidence available on the role of asthma medications and risk factors influencing the prognostic outcomes for COVID-19 individuals with respiratory allergies, which invites further research. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5475 | Factors affecting the mode choice behavior before and during COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan The transport sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting travel behaviors and mobility patterns around the globe. The pandemic has also affected mode choice behavior. This research study modeled the mode choice behavior before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan. Data was collected through an online questionnaire survey consisting of questions about socio-economic characteristics, factors affecting mode choice, and mode chosen for shorter as well as longer distances for both before and during COVID-19 pandemic situations. The results indicated that public transport use declined, whereas walking and bicycling slightly increased during the pandemic. The respondents placed more priority on safety and security, comfort, cleanliness, infection concerns, personal social status, availability of hand-sanitizers, waiting, and paying more for less congested vehicles during the pandemic. Factor analysis was performed to explore the underlying factors affecting mode choice before and during the pandemic. Discrete choice models were developed to model the mode choice behavior. Monthly household income and pandemic-related underlying factor were significant predictors of mode choice for shorter distances (i.e., < 5 km) during the pandemic. Whereas, gender, car ownership and monthly household income were significant predictors of mode choice for longer distances (i.e., > 5 km) during the pandemic. Understanding the modal shift during a pandemic will surely help urban and transport planners to prepare better for effective transport management in the future. Policy implications are also presented to help policymakers in developing policies for post-pandemic mobility needs, particularly in developing countries. | N/A | 2021 | | CORD-19 |
5476 | Rethinking nature journaling in the Kindergarten Program action research in learning and teaching This qualitative action research study in a Canadian urban public elementary school proposes teachers and early childhood education integrate different types of nature journaling into the Kindergarten Program. In this study, analysis of data collected from weekly classroom lessons and student work samples through two action research cycles led to the identification of three types of nature journaling: 1) observation-focused nature journaling, which may encourage sensory engagement; 2) relationship-built nature journaling, which may help to foster a sense of connection with the natural environment; and 3) curriculum-connected nature journaling, which may contextualize nature journaling as an interdisciplinary pedagogical strategy. These three types of nature journaling are interrelated within the framework of ecological systems theory that guides this study. This study values whole child development and experiential learning. It emphasizes the pedagogical values and curriculum connections nature journaling can bring to the Kindergarten Program, especially when used as a way for students to explore environmental and nature education. Based on its findings, this study recommends that educators organize curriculum and foster students’ interdependence in the context of real-world experiences through a nature journaling approach. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5477 | SARS-CoV-2 origin, myths and diagnostic technology developments BACKGROUND: After the first case of COVID-19 being announced in China in December 2019, various diagnostic technologies have been developed at unprecedented pace with the aim of providing a basis for accurate clinical intervention. However, some assays including CRISPR-based diagnostics and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) have been less explored. As new COVID-19 technologies emerge, there is need for them to be assessed, validated and improved upon. Moreover, there is paucity of data on the essential factors governing the selection of an appropriate diagnostic approach within the correct timeframe. Myths and origin of SARS-CoV-2 remain to be controversial. Consequently, this review aims at exploring the current COVID-19 diagnostic technologies, performance evaluation, principles, suitability, specificity, sensitivity, successes and challenges of the technologies for laboratory and bedside testing. MAIN BODY: To date, there exist more publications on COVID-19 diagnostics as compared to the Zika virus. The SARS-CoV-2 virus genome profiles were readily available by 31st of December 2019. This was attributed to the fast-paced sharing of the epidemiological and diagnostics data of COVID-19. Timely profiling of the virus genome accelerated the development of diagnostic technologies. Furthermore, the rapid publication of studies that evaluated several diagnostic methods available provided baseline information on how the various technologies work and paved way for development of novel technologies. CONCLUSION: Up to date, RT-PCR is the most preferred as compared to the other assays. This is despite the repeated false negatives reported in many of the study findings. Considering that COVID-19 has caused devastating effects on the economy, healthcare systems, agriculture and culture, timely and accurate detection of the virus is paramount in the provision of targeted therapy hence reducing chances of drug resistance, increased treatment costs and morbidity. However, information on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 still remains elusive. Furthermore, knowledge and perception of the patients toward management of SARS-CoV-2 are also paramount to proper diagnosis and management of the pandemic. Future implications of the misperceptions are that they may lead to increased non-compliance to SARS-CoV-2-related World Health Organization (WHO) policies and guidelines. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5478 | Prevalence of depression and anxiety among school-going adolescents in Indian Kashmir valley during COVID-19 pandemic BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has led to severe disruption in routine activities, significant mortality and morbidity. Adolescents are particularly prone to mental health issues. The present study aims to estimate prevalence of depression and anxiety and its determinants among school-going adolescents in Kashmir valley of India. RESULTS: The Patient Health Questionnaire for Adolescents and Generalised Anxiety Disorder questionnaire were used to screen for depression and anxiety among school-going adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years during January and February 2021. Out of the 439 adolescents who had responded, 426 (97.03%) were included in final analysis. The adolescents had a mean age of 17.5 + 1.26 years and comprised of 57% males. The overall prevalence of depression was 16% and was associated with a past history of COVID-19 infection. Anxiety was present in 20% of adolescents. The prevalence was 14% for boys and 27.5% for girls. On logistic regression, anxiety was associated with female gender, past history of personal COVID-19 infection, history of COVID-19 diagnosis in family and hospital admission due to COVID-19 in family. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety and depression are major public health problems among adolescents. The high burden estimated in our study highlights the need for immediate action to support adolescents particularly those with a self/family history of COVID-19. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5479 | [Translated article] Sexually Transmitted Infections During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain Objective To describe changes in sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Material and methods We collected demographic, chronological, and clinical data for all patients seen for a possible STI at Hospital La Paz, Centro Sanitario Sandaval, and Centro de Diagnóstico Médico in Madrid and Hospital Costa del Sol in Malaga between March 14, 2020 and June 30, 2020. Results We identified 674 STI diagnoses. The median age of the patients was 33 years. Most cases were observed among people aged 30 to 40 years and among men who have sex with men. The most common diagnoses were proctitis (36.5%), syphilis (16%), nongonococcal (13.3%) and gonococcal (11.3%) urethritis, genital herpes (8.8%), vulvovaginitis/cervicitis (8.3%), and genital warts (4.2%). A microbiologically confirmed diagnosis was on record for 77% of cases. The main microorganisms identified were Chlamydia trachomatis (35.7%), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (31.4%), and Treponema pallidum (17.2%). The number of STI diagnoses increased after the easing of lockdown restrictions, which resulted in greater freedom of movement and more consultations. On comparing the 2019 and 2020 STI registries from Centro Sanitario Sandoval and Hospital La Paz for the period March to June, we observed reductions (of up to 81%) in all STI diagnoses. Conclusions Physical distancing and movement restrictions appear to have resulted in a reduction in the incidence of STIs, although these measures did not completely eliminate sexual risk behaviors. | Actas Dermosifiliogr | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5480 | [Translated article] Hydroxychloroquine: An Essential Drug in Dermatology and Its Controversial Use in COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug with immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It has a good safety profile, can be used in children and in pregnant and breastfeeding women, and does not suppress the immune system. Regular screening for retinopathy, one of the drug’s most feared adverse effects, is necessary. Hydroxychloroquine is a widely used, essential drug in dermatology. Clinical response rates are good in lupus erythematous, where it is a first-line therapy, as well in numerous autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, including lichen planus, polymorphic light eruption, porphyria cutanea tarda, granuloma annulare, and sarcoidosis. In 2020, it was widely prescribed both to prevent and to treat COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2. Its increased use led to serious supply shortages and in some cases stocks were entirely depleted. Recent meta-analyses have concluded that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective against COVID-19 and have advised against its use. | Actas Dermosifiliogr | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5481 | Implementing the work-life balance directive in times of COVID-19: new prospects for post-pandemic workplaces in the European Union? The COVID-19 pandemic has affected workers’, especially women’s, ability to combine their paid work and care obligations in an unprecedented way. However, it has also raised the political relevance of the work-life balance issue. The moment is timely as the Work-life Balance Directive adopted by the European Union (EU) in 2019 comes to its implementation deadline in August 2022. The combination of these two events can lay the ground for new ways of configuring the workplace and new rights to working parents which might enhance work-life balance for workers in the EU. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5482 | The Grocery Trolley Race in Times of Covid-19: Evidence from Italy We study the effects of the containment measures imposed by the Italian Government during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic on sales of the retail trade sector, focusing on different types of grocery chain stores. We document a sustained growth in revenues for storable products, beginning right before restrictions on mobility were introduced, and lasting throughout the whole lockdown period. The surge has been driven by the dynamics of smaller outlets, located in urban areas and closer to the city centre, while hypermarkets experienced a drop, probably relating to their more peripheral position. Thanks to the remarkable granularity of the Nielsen scanner data and the staggered implementation of restrictions across regions, we causally identify the short-term effects of mobility constraints on outlets’ sales. According to our estimates, large grocery stores in areas subject to lockdown measures earned revenues around 10% lower than their control group did. In view of the protraction of the pandemic and the need for the Government to continue managing the containment of infections, our study helps quantifying the costs for the economy of mobility restrictions, also highlighting possible distortions arising among different categories of outlets. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5483 | Reflections on the human role in AI policy formulations: how do national AI strategies view people? PURPOSE: There is no artificial intelligence (AI) without people. People design and develop AI; they modify and use it and they have to reorganize the ways they have carried out tasks in their work and everyday life. National strategies are documents made to describe how different nations foster AI and as human dimensions are such an important aspect of AI, this study sought to investigate major national strategy documents to determine how they view the human role in emerging AI societies. APPROACH: Our method for analyzing the strategies was conceptual analysis since the development of technology is embedded with conceptual ideas of humanity, explicit or implicit, and in addition to deepening analysis of explicit argumentation the method enables the deconstruction and reconstruction of meanings and conceptual relations within the strategies, exposing presumptions and tacit commitments of the writers. FINDINGS: The analysis of the documents illustrates that the general tendency in national strategies is globally dominantly technology-driven as the state of affairs appears to be creating new technologies. However, various human research points such as usability, user experience, sociotechnical and life-based themes are less well represented. Because national strategies are used to develop innovation processes, we argue that future development of national strategies could be improved by taking human research issues more energetically in the agenda. ORIGINALITY: Our study elaborates the current trends in AI-policy discourses and discusses reasons and possibilities for more holistic policymaking, making it a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and the larger public. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5484 | The networked researcher, the editorial manager and the traveller: the profiles of international political scientists and the determinants of internationalisation The concept of internationalisation, when referring to the work of social scientists within academic institutions, takes on different meanings and involves different activities. This contribution aims to shed light on the international activities of political scientists across Europe and to investigate the various meanings and practices of internationalisation. The analysis relies on the PROSEPS survey, involving some 1,800 political scientists across 37 European countries. We identify three distinct profiles of international scholars: the networked researcher, the editorial manager, and the traveller. These profiles differ according to 1) the building of international research networks, 2) the involvement in the activities of the international publishing industry, 3) the research and teaching exchanges with foreign academic institutions. Determinants, such as gender, family status, career stage, availability of institutional and financial support, and geographical location, are considered as potential drivers or inhibitors of internationalisation. Our analysis shows that the internationalisation of academic practices follows contrasting paths according to the type of international profile. | N/A | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5485 | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: increased incidence during the COVID-19 pandemic | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5486 | Cardio-metabolic factors associated to mortality in patients with COVID-19 | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5487 | COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5488 | Impact of COVID-19 outbreak in Healthcare of people with type 2 diabetes: evidence from a cross-sectional study in Albania | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5489 | The influence of metformin on the rate of Covid-19 vaccination among diabetes type 2 patients in Poland | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5490 | Challenges for Effective Glycemic control in T2DM during Covid-19 pandemic and Use of Glimepiride/Metformin FDC: Opinion from Indian Clinicians | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5491 | COVID-19 and metabolic syndrome | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5492 | New onset Diabetes Mellitus in a COVID-19 patient: A Case report | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5493 | Diet induced obesity and NASH aggravate SARS-CoV-2 infection in golden Syrian hamsters | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5494 | The impact of chronic kidney disease in diabetic COVID-19 patients | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5495 | Demographics of COVID-19 admitted patients and obesity: a retrospective study | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5496 | Challenges of diabetes management during COVID-19 infection | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5497 | Influence of metabolic syndrome components in the course of covid-19 in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease | Metabolism | 2022 | | CORD-19 |
5498 | An exploration into the impact of COVID-19 on mental wellbeing and the self-care strategies employed Introduction: It has been widely reported that the mental well-being has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the imposed social isolation restrictions. It is essential to investigate, comprehend and acknowledge the profound influence Covid-19 has had on anxiety levels and explore approaches that people have used to manage this in order to inform future interventions and promote self-care behaviours to improve mental wellbeing. The aim of this study was to explore the anxiety experienced by adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they manage it. Methods: A specifically designed questionnaire containing open and closed questions was disseminated using social media in 4 countries including the UK. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used and data collected from the free-text questions were analysed using the thematic analysis. Ethical approval was obtained from St Marys University Research Ethics Committee. Results: To date n = 382 adult respondents aged 18 plus completed the survey. Analysis is on-going, full results will be available by the symposium date. Preliminary analysis indicated that the most common self-care behaviours used for anxiety self-management pre and during the pandemic were walks, virtual family/social peer support, cooking and aerobic exercise. Additionally, it was apparent that both a lack of a sustained reciprocation of ongoing family/social support was a key predictor for the proclivity of anxiety-inducing thoughts to be experienced and reduced family/social support led to negative thought processes and feelings such as isolation, loneliness and uncertainty about the future. Individuals who continually engaged in activity generally reported more positive mood states irrespective of the social isolation environment. Conclusion: This study highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental wellbeing and stresses the significance of ongoing peer support during social isolation. Facilitating self-care and opportunity for peer support may be an effective strategy for interventions to improve mental wellbeing during times of social isolation. Keywords: COVID-19;mental wellbeing;survey;self-care;social isolation | Eur J Integr Med | 2021 | | CORD-19 |
5499 | Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine Use during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hong Kong Introduction: Little evidence is available to support the use of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCIM) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated the frequency and patterns of TCIM use during the pandemic and identified factors associated with its use among the general population in Hong Kong. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted from November to December 2020. The survey solicited information on the respondents’ (1) sociodemographic characteristics, (2) risk perception of the pandemic, (3) use of TCIM before and during the pandemic, and (4) perceived effectiveness of TCIM. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the potential predictors of TCIM use. Results: TCIM was used by 48.5% (n=306/632) of respondents before the pandemic, and decrease significantly to 44.0% (n=278/632) during the pandemic (P=0.007). The greatest declines were in the rates of Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage/TuiNa. During the pandemic, the most popular forms of TCIM were vitamins or other dietary supplements (n=160, 25.3%) and Chinese herbal medicine (n=122, 19.3%). Respondents who reported using TCIM were more likely to be female (odds ratio[OR]=1.82, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.29–2.59), to have attained a higher education level (OR=2.21, 95% CI=1.39–3.59), and older-aged (age >55 years: OR=1.77, 95% CI=1.04–3.02, as compared to 18–35 years). Respondents who resided in districts with a moderate to high number of confirmed COVID-19 cases (OR=1.60, 95% CI=1.07–2.42) and had a higher level of risk perception (OR=1.04, 95% CI=1.01–1.07) were also more likely to use TCIM during the pandemic. Conclusion: TCIM was used commonly in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic, although the frequency of use was lower than that reported before the pandemic. While vaccination, social distancing and basic hygiene remain the mainstay of controlling the pandemic, health authorities should also proactively provide evidence-based information to the public regarding the effectiveness and safe use of TCIM for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. Keywords: COVID-19, Complementary Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Traditional Medicine, Cross-sectional Survey | Eur J Integr Med | 2021 | | CORD-19 |
5500 | The Editors' Choice | J Allergy Clin Immunol | 2022 | | CORD-19 |